The highly anticipated Season 24 of The Bachelor has finally arrived. We couldn’t be more excited to watch another juicy season, this time featuring Delta airline pilot, Peter Weber, on his search for love. In lieu of this past Wednesday’s new steamy episode, we went into our archives to bring back an awesome interview session our very own Nicole Z held with some of our favourite Bachelors. Let’s take a trip back to Magazine4You’s Bachelor Party in September to see what Nicole and our esteemed boys had to say:

This year I was told by our Editor-In-Chief that a Bachelor media event would be held at Hotel X. An interesting change from the usual King West location that had always hosted this media event. Already I felt this would be a different experience than past years.

Hotel X is a posh new hotel located on the Lake Ontario Waterfront in downtown Toronto. This hotel features spectacular panoramic views from its rooftop bar. As I walked into the lobby bar, immediately the room was abuzz with photographers, publicists, assistants and several vendors doting on the Bachelor stars who were there to be a part of Eligible’s Bachelor Party later that evening. All the men were just as handsome in real life as they appeared on the show. My personal favourite from the start was Jordan Kimball. Probably because I could always relate to his inner brat. A quality that has seemingly not faded with age in either one of us.

All the bachelors were very cordial, taking the time to sit down and answer some of my most pressing questions that had formed while binge watching the entire season of Bachelor in Paradise that week. One thing that became clear was watching people be themselves on television gives you a sense fellowship with them. Although they are all simply there to find love, you can’t help but see pieces of yourself in each person and their experience. Whether it was Jordan defending his friend on the beach, Chris feeling unsure about a new relationship or even Connor believing in someone who later betrayed him. Each one of us sees parts of ourselves in these people only for the mere reason that we too have lived long enough to share similar experiences in our own lives. I was very happy to meet all of these interesting humans and learn just a little bit more about what makes them tick. Conversations below are held with Connor Saeli, Chase McNary, Mike Johnson, Chris Bukowski, and Jordan Kimball.

NZ: Regarding the Bachelor in Paradise experience, if you could do it all over again would you change anything?

Connor: “I think there are a few things I would have changed. When I went down there and hung out with Caelynn, I feel I closed myself off to meeting other people. Even when it came to hanging out with the guys. Looking back on the experience, it kind of sucks because I wish I got to make better friendships or actually have conversations with some of the other girls that were down there that I was interested in. I think that’s the biggest thing I would change of the whole experience. Keeping my options open.”

Chase: “Yes, I would probably go in with a little but less of a plan. I think a lot of people went in with a plan this season. I think when you do that you try and write your own storyline and that’s when you get yourself in trouble. So, I went in with a plan to meet Angela and my plan was to ride it out with Angela on the beach. I think I would have had a little bit more of an open mind and had a little bit more fun down there without a plan.”

Chris: “For me I wouldn’t change anything. Even though there were a lot of ups and downs, I think the way it ended for me was great and I’m happy now. I always do these shows so many times and look back to see what I would change. But ultimately you kind of grow from it you learn from it. Nothing I would have changed. Except maybe getting sick while I was there.”

Mike: “First of all make sure I know how to do a handstand properly (just kidding). Probably get in a bit better shape. But seriously I don’t think I did anything that was outside of my character.”

Jordan: “Being on there for two seasons, I had two totally different experiences. Last year I was going for only one person and didn’t keep any options open. It kind of worked out briefly and then it didn’t work out. And then this year I feel I had the best time with it. I had a lot of fun on that beach. I really did. I wouldn’t really change anything. If I could’ve seen into the future and known what would happen with Christian, I would’ve probably not gone over there. But I wouldn’t say that I’d change it. I just know now that certain people are a little hot headed and not to never mess with piñatas (just kidding). Overall, I think it was a great experience for me and we’ll see what happens next year.”

NZ: Just to clarify. What was your motivation for going over to Christian on the beach?

Jordan: “Clay and I are friends in real life. You guys didn’t get to see all the things that occurred, but Christian had been pretty rude to Clay the entire time. He was trying to be ‘Mr. Macho’ and I kind of had it. It seemed Clay wasn’t going to stand up for himself so I thought, hey, I’m going to go over there and crush this piñata. I wasn’t intending to provoke a fight with him. I just went and touched an inanimate object. He then tried to strike me, and you saw what happened. I just went over there to smash the piñata, I thought it would be funny.” 

NZ: What are you guys most grateful for out of this whole experience? 

Jordan: “Seeing the show make history, I’m so grateful for that. Seeing ABC stand behind things and stick to their guns. No matter what happens it’s always a decent experience and you make a lot of friends.” 

Connor: “I would say the big thing for me were the friendships that came out of it. You get to meet so many cool, different people that you normally wouldn’t cross paths with. To me that’s the biggest thing. I’d say the second thing is being able to watch yourself and your actions on TV when it’s over. I think it’s very valuable and helps you learn and grow to become a better person.”

Chase: “I’m just grateful to be part of the whole experience. All the opportunities we get, all the people we meet and all the fun events (like this one) we get attend. It’s just beyond amazing we get to do that stuff from a TV show. And all the friendships we created from the show too. Some of my best friends have been formed because of the show. That’s something that most people can’t relate to.”

Chris: “I agree. Everything Chase said I agree with. I got to meet someone great. That’s the ultimate goal of the show and it finally worked out for me. Plus being able to do stuff like this is amazing.”

Mike: “I’m grateful my smile brings people happiness. When people do message me, I sometimes message back if they have a tough situation going on. I’ve been blessed to have been able to help them.”

NZ: It seems you all really keep in touch with each other. Would you say after you go on this show you immediately become part of a clique?

Jordan: “Yes. It’s kind of hard not to because you go through this experience that no one else understands. There are so many things that go on behind the scenes of this show. While we’re there, it doesn’t feel like cameras are on us 80% of the time. However, when you’re at a rose ceremony and your knees are about to buckle you see the cameras right in your face.”

Connor: “Immediately when you step out of the limo you are part of the ‘Bachelor Nation Family.’ It’s such a cool family to be a part of. I really do think it’s like a fraternity. You all go through this crazy experience that no one else can relate to and it instantly gives you a common bond.” 

NZ: Would any of you consider selling your home and driving around the country in van? Does that appeal to you? Do you think you can talk a woman into this?

Jordan: “I like the idea of traveling but I do not like the idea of having to wash myself in a river or unknown body of water.”

Connor: “I think it’s a cool idea in concept but the practicality of it to me just doesn’t work.” 

Chase: “I would love to do some traveling but I’m not going to sell my home and live in a van and I don’t think I would want to do that in a brand-new relationship either.”

Chris: “I think I’m past my van days. I enjoy my home. But it’s cool. It is for some people and I don’t hate the idea. It’s a sense of freedom for sure.”

Mike: “100% yes! I actually considered doing that prior to going on this show. You spend $24,000 on a van. That’s about 18 months of rent. If I’m going to roll for 24 months, I’ve saved money. I love to travel. I think you will have some of the most amazing experiences with that person that you travel around in a van with.”

NZ: I’m sure you all have a bucket list. What is one thing that you haven’t done yet that you would love to do. 

Jordan: “Jump out of an airplane. That’s my next thing.”  

Connor: “Same jump out of an airplane. 100%. I really want to do that.”

Chase: “I’ve been to just about every continent except for Australia. I really want to get down to Australia. I just found out you can snowboard in Australia and I’m a big snowboarder.”

Chris: “I want to go back and visit my family’s farm in southern Poland. I’ve been to Warsaw, but I’ve never been back to where my dad grew up, so I want to go to there.”

Mike: “I want to go to Antarctica and dive in the water. You dive in and they pull you right back out. That’s something I want to do. I also want to go to Spain and do the running of the bulls. I also want to go to every Michelin rated restaurant in the entire world. I want to kiss the love of my life in every single country in the world. Go paragliding in a squirrel suit. I want to be more of a daredevil. I also want to go to space. You only live once!”

NZ: Some of your fellow castmates have been linked to celebrities. For example, Tyler and Gigi. Any celebrities you wouldn’t mind going on a date with?

Connor: “Kendall Jenner. 100%”

Jordan: “I don’t think celebrities are my type. I’d rather have a hometown girl.” 

Chase: “Yah! Let’s get this going. Ariana Grande what’s up? I might go as far as Taylor Swift. I can see me getting with Taylor Swift. Margot Robbie too. A little older for me but wowsers!”

Mike: *Smiling* “I wouldn’t definitely love to go on a date with a celebrity. And that’s all I’ll say about that!”

NZ: What qualities are most important to you guys in a woman? What turns you off?

Jordan: “You just have to love each other. Take a pie chart for example. In a relationship you guys should fill in each other’s gaps. You become 100% together. If I’m 65% mean, I need you to become 35% mean. So, you just fill each other in and compliment each other. I also want someone who’s warm.” 

Connor: “Someone that is adventurous, driven has their own career goals, very independent and outgoing. Those are probably the biggest qualities for me. The biggest turnoff are women who are a little too into themselves or women who don’t love themselves. I think it’s very important to love yourself before you can give love to someone else. Looking for a partner, I want someone who is comfortable and really loves who they are.”

Chase: “For me adaptability and communication. To be able to adapt to all situations. Particularly for us as we get put into some unique situations and they need to be able to understand all that.”

Chris: “The most appealing quality for me is confidence and just being themselves. Also owning their flaws.”

Mike: “The first thing that comes to mind is if I can trust you around my sister. If my sister can confide something to you that she doesn’t want to tell me, then I can trust you are going to give her really good information. That’s extremely sexy to me. A turnoff for me would be nicotine. THC cool but nicotine I’m not into.”

NZ: There are rumours that JPJ and Tayshia’s relationship was fabricated. What are your thoughts on this? Can you vouch for their relationship?

Connor: “It’s a tough one to speak on. I’ve heard those rumours for sure. I love JPJ. He was one of my best friends on the Bachelorette. Such a great guy. I don’t know Tayshia that well. I haven’t spoken to either of them for a while, so I can’t really say anything for sure. I don’t really believe the rumours though. I think they’re together.” 

Chase: “I think there weren’t a whole lot of other opportunities for Tayshia. JPJ was pretty persistent and consistent with her. I think she ultimately fell for the kind of guy that JPJ is: a unique character that can bring a lot of laughter in your life.”

Chris: “I know JPJ was all about her. I think she started coming on a little bit later than he did. But he was in love with that girl for sure. I saw it from his end. I didn’t really talk to Tayshia much on the show, but I don’t think anything on the show was fabricated.”

Mike: “Yes. No BS their relationship is 100% legit. It’s not fabricated at all. I know for a fact it’s not fabricated.”

NZ: Thoughts on Peter Weber, the new Bachelor? Any advice for him?

Jordan: “Hats off to Peter. I think he’s going to do really well. Also, I think it’s really going to come down to the girls on his season that determine how things are going to go. He’s going to end up with whoever he falls in love with but that may be after several girls are left broken hearted. This could be the most dramatic season yet. You never know. They always tease that. Who knows what’s going to happen, but I wish him the all the best. I think he has a good head on his shoulders. We know he’s a pilot but hopefully he stays ‘well grounded’ and makes the right choice.” 

Connor: “So many people on my season wrote off Peter in the beginning. I was the one guy who always said Peter is the dark horse. I knew he was quiet, but I also knew he was going to crush this experience. And he did. I also always knew there was something about him that he was going to do really well. I wish him the best I think he’ll do amazing. I think I made it really clear that I was rooting for Mike to be the Bachelor. I think he would’ve a great candidate. Obviously, it was a little disappointing when he didn’t get it but it’s great when another friend ultimately got that role so I’m happy for Peter.”

Chase: “I’m really excited for Peter. I think it’s going to be a fun season to watch. Every time you have a pilot there’s always going to be planes involved. He kind of fits the cookie cutter mold of every single Bachelor we’ve ever had, but that’s what works. My advice for Peter would be don’t be shy.”

Chris: “I guess just to be yourself. I think typically The Bachelor is about the girls and The Bachelorette is about the guys. Although the Bachelorette was about Hannah this season. She was a really strong character. I think the girls really make the show and he’ll kind of go along for the ride.”

Mike: “My advice for Peter would be to follow your heart. To be strong in what you feel, whether it’s politically correct of not. My thoughts on him as the new Bachelor is that he damn sure is a good-looking guy and he’s going to have some pretty awesome dates.”

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