Summer is here and it’s time to dig out our summer wardrobes out of storage. As an online personal trainer my inbox is full of requests for fat loss tips and tricks this time of year. I hope however, that you are well into your get buff summer regime and feeling confident in your skin. Let me guess…nope!

Lets face the facts ladies; unfair and unwelcomed lumps and bumps doom most of us. We dream of smooth supermodel Photoshop type skin and are constantly in search of fitness tricks and secrets which always seam to let us down.
Wait! Before you throw in the towel, there are some very effective things you can do to significantly help this cause. I have used all these tricks both personally and with my clients and rest assured there is hope to fight the war against the curse of unwanted fat and cellulite.
As the Fitness gal’ it’s a given that I will suggest you get in those squats and lunges to tighten up BUT here are three more great ways to target those stubborn areas:
1) Improve circulation
Lets face it if you’re not rushing blood to the skin cells you are throwing away your number one fat blasting capability. I suggest you focus not only on targeting your problem area with resistance but focus more on moving in general. Cellulite and your unwanted fat deposits should be just another motivator to help you get that heart pumping and blood flowing. In addition to breaking a good sweat you can massage the area and manually stimulate the circulatory and lymphatic systems. Look at it as a double whammy, while you are burning some calories you are breaking down fatty tissue. Sounds pretty good, I’d say!
2) The Diet
Having a sounds nutritional program is the first thing you should tweak. Limiting salt as it absorbs water and we all know, based on our love for sushi, this leads to our body retaining the water we consume. Flush out toxins, which are the guilty causes of lumpy appearing skin by drinking enough water. It always amazes me how so many of us are underestimating the power of good old H2O. Also, avoid the sugar and processed foods as fighting cellulite is just one of my millions of reasons why you should ditch these anyway.
3) The Secret Weapon
Second Skin Therapeutics is a topical lotion which I have been calling my secret weapon for a while now and finally it is available online ) and on shelves. There are many topical creams available with several promises and claims yet what had me interested in this one in particular were the clinical studies behind the claims. After doing some digging I learned that it has been clinically proven to reduce the size of fat deposits and thigh volume. Are you kidding? That’s what I said, so I went ahead and tried and tested it on several of my CityLine weight loss challenge participants. Once the cream is applied there is an immediate “cooling” tingle and after kneading it into our problem areas we all agree that indeed this may just be that extra little boost we have all been looking for.
Of course, a topical lotion should not replace a sound diet and workout regime but I’m all for getting an extra boost and help from any scientific breakthroughs available. Perhaps fighting cellulite and stubborn areas may not be as easy as we like. However, all the tips and tricks out there are good for your fit body anyway. Implement them on your journey to rocking summer shorts. Not only will you feel and better, you will shed some unwanted pounds too. The best part is next time you check out your behind in the mirror, be prepared to double take!