Do laundry, hit the gym, answer emails, work ten hours, socialize with drinks, get groceries, spend time with your sweetheart, wind down, and do it all over again. Does this sound a little like your life? Do you feel like you’re always on the go and unable to keep up? If you do, you’re definitely not alone. People nowadays are what I like to call, ‘professional jugglers.’ They seem to be doing way too much, spreading themselves way too thin, and battling all sorts of health issues as a result.
Anxiety, heart palpitations, low libido, and insomnia are some of the most common health conditions that I see in my clinical practice. It’s no wonder these conditions are so common – most people are running on a gas tank that is almost empty while trying to juggle their work, their health, their home, and their relationships. If this sounds all too familiar, I’m going to be the one to tell you that it’s time to slow down. Ask yourself what’s truly important to you? What are your short-term and long-term goals? Do your actions truly support these goals?
Professional juggling may be all that you know, but before your health takes a hit, it’s time to take a step back and evaluate your addiction to being busy. Wouldn’t you agree that this type of fast-paced lifestyle is draining, exhausting, and unnecessary? If you continue down this road, burnout syndrome, also termed adrenal fatigue, may be in your future. Do you really want to wait until it’s too late?
Not sure what adrenal fatigue is? Basically, during stressful situations, the hormones cortisol and adrenalin are released. In our cavemen days, adrenalin was helpful, especially during the “fight or flight” stress response when being chased by a lion. However, in the 21st century, these hormones are being released way too often and causing serious health problems. Modern stressors such as toxic breakups, endless errands, to-do lists, working long hours and a poor diet cause the adrenal glands to burnout and essentially shut-down. When this happens, your sexy parts might not work as well, your sleep may become restless, and your mood ring might change colour on the hour. Two thumbs down for this commonly diagnosed health condition.
Perhaps this article has helped you recognize the need for change but you’re not quite sure how to change. No problem – start with baby steps. Make a list of all the things that you have on the go and then circle the ones that are not supportive of your health and life goals. Start thinking about letting these go and use the extra time to nurture your mind and your body. Do yoga, practice meditation, make nutritious foods, and take your vitamins. Re-think your go-go lifestyle before your gas tank runs out of gas. Trust me, adrenal fatigue is no fun to end up with and as you know, prevention is the best medicine. So, if you’re waking up with a rapid heartbeat in the middle of the night, passing on hot sex with your lover, or breaking down into tears for no particular reason, it’s time to stop juggling and re-gain control of what’s most important – your health! Without your health, nothing else matters.