As women and men in the dating scene, picking the right setting for the first date can go two ways: either frustrating when trying to come up with new ideas, or boring when the bartender gives you that “Another one?” look every time you head down to the same pub for a drink.

First Date

Instead of making an effort and trying too hard all the time, think about the purpose of the first date, which is to see if you enjoy being in each other’s company longer than one hour.

When my clients or friends send me an S.O.S. text asking “Where should I go for this first date?”, I always respond “Well, what’s next on your calendar? Ask them to join you!”.

The logic behind it is very simple: you have an amazing life that you want to share with another person, and vice versa, so, why not give them a glimpse of who you are and what you absolutely love about your lifestyle, instead of isolating scenarios and running a Q&A test?

“Simplicity is the new sophistication”, said Leonardo Da Vinci, so here are 10 simple and fun first dates you can have during the weekends, or in between your busy weekdays, until summer fades into fall:

1. Go To A Food Festival

You will have so much fun trying to pick which foods to taste, debate personal preferences and rank your top 3 favourites. You will also discover how much of a picky eater your date is, which comes in handy for future dinner dates.

First Date

2. Take A Stroll In A Botanical Garden

You will have so much eye candy to look at and gorgeous flowers to smell, that you may even forget you are on a date. Use it towards your advantage and buy your date a bouquet assemble of their favourite flowers on your next date.

3. Read Shakespeare In The Park

Take two copies of Macbeth, find a comfortable place to sit on a blanket, and have some good old fun with character acting in a world of Shakespearean lust, jealousy and drama.

4. Carve A Watermelon Competition

Grab two small sized watermelons, and two small knives, and have some fun carving funny, or scary, faces on your watermelons, which you will ultimately eat after picking the winner of the competition.

First Date

5. Have A Shopping Assistant

Ask your date to join you on a little shopping spree adventure for some end of summer pant sale, or any other item of your choice. Find out what style your date prefers, and show them your personal taste in fashion as well.

6.Love Art

Ask your date to join you for the opening of the next art event you are attending, and enjoy your evening together talking colours, techniques and favourites.

It will be interesting: Fun First Dates With Fitness

7. Go To A Beer Tasting Seminar

Have fun tasting the different brews while exchanging opinions about the ales, lagers, malts, stouts and porters you will have a hard time remembering afterwards.

First Date

8.Beach Fun

Have a beach volleyball day planned with your friends? Ask your date to come along and bring a friend- which will also tell you a lot about their choice of friends.

9. Buy A Gift

Who is the next person on the birthday list to buy a gift for? People love sharing their opinion on things, so why not invite your date to join you on your next gift picking adventure?

10. Go For A Walk

Is there a trail near by that you absolutely love walking? Ask your date to join you for a walk in nature and talk about the crazy things you used to do when you were both young, wild, troublesome kids.

Switch up the old and useless dinner-movie-drinks scenery for a fun, simple and engaging time with your eligible date.


This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. JANET


    1. Andrina

      Thank you very much Janet!

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