International Women’s Day is almost here! And by that, we mean it’s tomorrow, March 8, 2019.

Obviously, it’s a day when society reflects on issues that affect self-identified girls and women. But it’s not enough to think about how much gendered suffering there is on our world. We need to make actual change. in the spirit of making a difference, here’s a list of things we can all do to help today, and every day!

1. Call Out Sexism Where You See It

Did your co-worker tell a casually sexist joke? Saw a friend harass a woman on the street? Don’t look the other way. Call that out! It’s time we created a zero tolerance policy for misogyny. Yes, people will probably say you’re “over-reacting.” They may even brand you a “killjoy,” that label feminists everywhere are used to receiving. However, why should anyone’s joy come at the expense of others? It’s okay to kill a person’s joy if it’s predicated on making other people suffer. Go ahead and fight those trolls!

2. Donate To A Non-Profit That Helps Women

Lots of wonderful non-profits help women and girls. And you know what they need in order to do so? Money! As little as $10 can make a real difference. So put your money where your mouth is and do more than pay lip service to women’s issues. One excellent place to donate is Dress For Success Worldwide, which helps women achieve economic independence by providing them with professional attire to wear to work and job interviews. You could also donate to Amnesty Internationals No More Stolen Sisters campaign, which combats violence against indigenous women. Of course, there are plenty of other worthy causes, too. Find one (or a few) that speak to you and donate as much as you can afford!

3. Do Something Nice For a Lady You Know

Is there a woman you know who’s having a hard week? Well, why not do something to help her? It needn’t be a big gesture. Perhaps you could invite her over for a beautiful dinner, or buy her a tea when she least expects it! Show her she’s  appreciated. Historically, women have been taken for granted in many societies, so acknowledging women’s contributions and our humanity are important steps in the correct direction.

It will be interesting: Why Do We Generalize About Culture And Identity?

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