Companies do a great job marketing low-calorie beverages. Who doesn’t want to consume zero calories of tasty, satisfying, sugary drinks? I sure do, but I won’t, and here’s why. The marketing is impressive and almost convincing. Low-calorie sodas and beverages don’t help you lose weight; rather they help you gain weight! Yes, you heard correctly. It doesn’t matter if they are labeled as zero calories. A calorie is not just a calorie – in fact, there is a huge difference in the way the body metabolizes 100 calories of candy vs. 100 calories of broccoli. These companies make false claims that their products are healthy and assist with weight loss, but the reality is that their so-called low-calorie beverages cause obesity, rather than fight it. Are you falling for their marketing strategies? I sure hope not.

The latest research shows that consuming low-calorie beverages can lead to cardiac problems, diabetes, and obesity. Although the overall number of calories ingested is reduced, the number of calories doesn’t make much of a difference when you look at the ingredients and the effects that these have on your health. These beverages are basically drinks filled with chemicals that destroy your health. While many contain brominated vegetable oil, others are loaded with caramel color. There’s enough evidence to show that toxic caramel coloring may contribute to cancer, so why in the world is this ingredient found in commonly consumed drinks? Sorbitol, aspartame, and sucralose are a short list of other ingredients commonly found in these drinks. Are you reading your labels? If not, maybe it’s time to start.
Since we know that artificial sweeteners don’t reverse obesity and diabetes, rather they can cause these health conditions, why do you continue to consume these? I’m sure you want to stay young, lean, and healthy. By elevating carbohydrate cravings and insulin production, these poisonous powders are not doing your waistline any good, let alone your health.
Don’t even get me started on vitamin-infused water. Seriously? Who came up with this idea? A high-quality multivitamin will give you a good dose of vitamins without the added chemicals that come with vitamin infused low-calorie beverages. These attractive drinks are really no more than colored sugar in a bottle. I’m sure you can go without them. Artificial colors make products more appealing visually, but don’t promote good health. Take your daily vitamins and leave this drinky out of your fridge.
Perhaps this information is new to you – awesome! So glad you learned something from me. Now, maybe it’s time to re-train your taste buds. This may not be an easy task, as the additives used in these beverages are quite addictive. But you can do it! Remember, you don’t need diet pop to top off your favorite meal. Your food will taste just as good with a refreshing glass of lemon water, if not better. Cheers to healthy drinkies on your next sexy date!