OH HEY! Thanks again for stopping by. I’m back this week with some advice on something that I think is THE most important part of a relationship. (I know all the guy readers just said “sex” in their head, sorry fellas, that column will come in a few months. HAHA.

Holy crap! We have all been in a relationship where it felt like we were fighting with the person more often than not! Right!?! Most of these relationships involve people with trust issues, maybe some jealousy… but all (any) of those kinds of problems can be solved with communicating, and doing it effectively.
Let’s break it down.
First, communicating with someone you are dating, or engaged to, or married to, can mean a lot of things. There are A LOT of ways to communicate. Texting, emails, love notes, body language, talking…hell, it seems like people communicate on twitter and Instagram exclusively…
I think it is important to look at communication in a relationship as a means of sharing how you feel. IT’S THAT SIMPLE! I believe that women are more open and vulnerable then men are when it comes to sitting down and talking about our feelings… That is NOT exactly how a guy likes to spend his free time. BUT! Dudes!!! It’s important.
Second, this small little trick can do WONDERS for your relationship: Be sure to find time to talk EVERY DAY. Most people/families do this around the dinner table, and that’s fine. Other good times to do this are: Right before bed, when you get home from work, in the car… whatever your schedule allows for. It sounds simple, but you would be surprised how many men and women don’t take time to turn off the TV, put away their cellphones and just talk for 5-10 minutes, uninterrupted.
Third, BE HONEST. WAY easier said than done. But, dishonesty is a funny thing. It certainly is an easy thing. And easy things are very rarely GOOD for you. More importantly, not being honest can lead to resentment, blow outs, and over time can cause serious harm to a relationship.
Bottom line guys and gals: Make time to TALK.
Oh… and thanks again for taking time to READ.
Much Love,