If you’ve mastered the techniques in Part I of this series, here are a few more to keep you busy…

PC Squeezes. If the clitoral hood is too sensitive for direct contact, some women can prolong orgasms by purposely contracting and releasing their PC muscle while they’re coming. Exercising this muscle regularly is also a must, as it can improves circulation, continence and sexual response. It may sound clinical, but many toe curling orgasms are the result of tensing and releasing these sexy muscles.

Don’t Stop! Orgasms rock, but they’re not the end-all be-all of sex, so why stop as soon as you come? Keep going during the after-glow with kisses, hugs, thrusts, snuggles, strokes, licks and flirtation to carry you through to the next level of sexual excitement.


Use Vibrators. Over half of the adult population admits to having used vibrators for sex play and it’s no surprise, as their powerful sensations provide the prolonged, intense stimulation enjoyed by both men and women. In addition to being power-houses of pleasure, the latest research also shows that women who use vibrators report higher levels of arousal, lubrication,  orgasm and sexual fulfillment.

Take a Step Back From The Edge. Sometimes a quickie is just what the doctor ordered, as it satiates your every desire and leaves you with enough time to catch a few hours of much-needed rest before starting all over again in the morning. But sometimes, sex needs to be drawn out in order to realize it’s full potential. That’s where a bit of edge-play comes in!

Play with your favorite moves to bring her right to the edge of orgasm…and then reel her back in without taking her over the top. Do it again and again to make the first (and second and third) orgasm well-worth the wait. All the pent-up tension can make her orgasms explosive and sequential. This takes a lot of  communication when playing as a pair, so it’s best if she tries it out on her own first while masturbating to learn to recognize her point-of-no-return which precedes orgasm.

In fact, while each of these approaches is described for partnered sex, they may be best explored for the first time while masturbating to become familiar with your own unique sexual response.

Do you have any tips for enjoying multiple orgasms? We’d love to hear from you!

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