Ok you guys, I’m going to share one of my best stay-fit secrets with you. The best piece of equipment isn’t in the gym – it’s in your phone!! Yup and everyone’s got one. Your best friend!
Here’s what I mean:
Whether you’re training at the gym, in your home or on vacation, chances are you have your “bff” with you or close by. They’re the best tool ever, because, as you probably know, we save the most fun things – and the most grueling – to do with our “better half”. Get the motivation, accountability and great workout, from that #1 person on your speed dial. Your best friend is the best person because not only will you have fun with them and feel completely comfortable getting sweaty together – they also know you well enough to call you on it when you start getting lazy!

Getting started is the hardest part. Make a very serious and deep commitment to a set schedule, and to NOT YAMMER! … well, not too much anyway. (I like to use the workout as a little ‘appetizer’ session to tease some of the things you’ll talk about later!). You need to keep moving and rest only 10-20 seconds between each exercise. This will increase your fat burning potential, as well as your heart and lung strength. Make sure to keep each other on the ball – that way you’ll both feel responsible for each other and get a good workout as well.
All right. Commitment has been made, Lululemons are on, now what? Now, you want to bang out as many circuits of these next exercises as you can in 30 – 45 minutes. Taking 1 minute rest between each circuit. This requires no equipment, just your partner in crime and sharp eyes on each other! We all no it’s no pain, no gain – so don’t let your buddy off the hook!
Squats 1 min
Interlocked full sit-ups 1 min
Walking lunges 1 min
Jack knifes 1 min
Push up and alternating clap 1 min
Resisted straight leg lifts (take turns) 1 min
Low to high planks 1 min
Crab crawls 1 min
Body weight bench or chair dips 1 min
Burpee & clap 1 min
Now that you’ve killed about 4 – 6 of those circuits – you were having so much fun it barely felt like a workout, right? Take your “coach in training” out for a healthy meal and finally get in that good yammer session to finally spill on all the gossip you’re dying to catch up on!