After a long days work you get to the gym, battle the hunger pangs on the way to the change room. Finally you are in the weight room and you feel great. About 30 minutes into your session you start to contemplate the idea of sticking to your original plan of the dreaded “C” word…cardio! But it’s Monday and you feel great, so you continue as planned. Sound familiar? Perhaps you can also relate that this same routine becomes much more challenging towards the end of your week. Oh we’ll next week… right? Wrong.

I see this habit over and over again. My fellow gym goers fall victim of this over ambitious plan that quickly turns into a complete fail. The cycle only results in you having an inconsistent regime and of course this only means inconsistent results. Consider planning ahead a more reasonable attack. I assume that you may occasionally have had the idea of hitting the gym everyday next week starting Monday. Has this plan (ever) worked for you for six consecutive weeks? If it hasn’t then I suggest you attempt a more realistic strategy this time around. The simple exercise of planning when and what you will be doing into your schedule will not only save you time but it will be a lot more effective than the old “wing it” strategy. I recommend taking some time perhaps over the weekend and literally booking appointments with yourself. The very common over ambitious goals of perhaps needs to be scaled down when you see what your schedule and other commitments allow. Plan to attack your workout regime with an effort you can realistically keep up consistently for 6 weeks. Don’t we all already know the big “C” word is consistency when it comes to shedding that unwelcome body fat or …not cardio!