Last night, one of my oldest friends sent me a message that she was back in the city and that her and a few friends were going out to this bar that she adores (that I introduced her to many years ago) and told me to come by for a drink! I had not planned on going out at all that night and I had nothing with me to even make me look remotely presentable, but I went anyways and told her that I’d only stay for one drink.
Well, that one drink of course turned into multiple drinks and the night ended with us closing down the bar and getting some insanely amazing Chinese food after. I didn’t mind because it was with her and she is the greatest …
However, the next morning when I woke up I was not feeling so hot. Which got me thinking, I had not gone a single day without going out or having drinks with someone for a few weeks. The only thing that saved me from a severe hangover was the fact that I ate Chinese food after the bar, but I could definitely still feel one lingering around.
We all have our own ways of battling a hangover, but with this being a new year and with all the new years resolutions everyone is coming up with, why not try and battle a hangover in the most natural way possible? I did some digging and found 5 great ways to get rid of that annoying crazy hangover.
The liver relies on B-vitamins to detox, and when you drink alcohol it depletes the body of it’s vitamin levels. If you take a B-complex vitamin the day you’re drinking as well as the morning after it will help repair the damage alcohol causes and restore deficiencies.
Magnesium is an electrolyte we use for hydration and it’s also a natural cure for anxiety. It helps restore balance and pH levels by reducing lactic acid and alkalizing the body.
Avoid Coffee (I KNOW.. ugh)
This is so hard, but yes you should avoid coffee (or any caffeine) when dealing with a hangover. It puts added stress on your liver and leaves you feeling worse in the long run. Damn it.
Pear Juice
Recent studies from Australia’s Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization found that drinking pear juice before a big night out on the town can lead to less severe hangover symptoms due to components of the pear affecting key enzymes in the body, which help to metabolize alcohol faster. This one only works if you drink it prior, so will require definite planning.
Always Be Hydrating
Always drink a ton of water the morning after a night out and all day long the day after. Add some sea salt and lemon to the water to help alkalize the body. Coconut water and watermelon water can also be helpful as they provide key electrolytes that our bodies need prior to drinking a lot of alcohol.
Taaadaaaaa, I hope that’s helpful for some of you. I know it is for me. I really just need a solid month of detox……
How do you combat the awful effects of the morning after?