Welcome back to The Bachelorette ladies and gentlemen! Where “mimes” the word, and alleged racist comments, well…are not. While Andi’s mission to find love was put on hold last week, we dove right into the world of “l’amour” during this week’s episode of The Bachelorette.

“It’s not bad being The Bachelorette. Not bad at all,” says Andi Dorfman during her conversation with Chris Harrison at the beginning of the episode. Of course it’s not bad Andi. How bad could it get taking your 11 beauty suitors to Marseilles, France? The odds are slim in my books. But her conversation with Harrison wasn’t just any conversation; it was the talk.“Are you falling in love,” Harrison asks Andi. Her sheepish and less-than-detailed response leads Harrison to follow-up with the next question: “Is it just with one guy?”

Oh Chris how silly of you. Is it ever just one guy?

Andi’s first date-card went to former professional baseball player Josh M. for a day of yachting, dinner in a castle, and yet, another awkward concert for two. We also found out Josh is on his way to falling in love with Andi. “I just can’t stop smiling right now,” he says.

Parlez-vous français? Oh, just kidding. The next date consisted of zero talking because the key to a relationship is not only communication, but also non-verbal communication.

… And slightly irritating the French population with American mimes.

Andi took Eric, Nick, Marcus, Andrew, JJ, Chris, Cody, Dylan, and Marquel to the streets to explore their inner mime. It was so cute watching the little French babies cry.


Parenting skills: check. Andi’s second date-card went out to Coach Brian for a date designated to French cuisine. While it was Andi’s hope to cook a romantic meal, she becomes turned off by Brian’s cooking skills when she finds out he doesn’t know how to make his grandmother’s mashed potatoes.

Shame on you, Brian. Shame on you…

The cocktail party went a little different last night. There wasn’t one. Andi felt confident knowing which relationships she wanted to move forward with, choosing to cut straight to the Rose Ceremony. She sent home three bachelors: Andrew, Patrick, and Marquel.

Au revoir boys!

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