Welcome back to another Bachelor week ladies and gents. Santa Fe, New Mexico welcomes a high maintenance group of Bachelorettes- literally.


The first one-on-one date card went to Carly. After a couple groans and high pitched squeals, I think we can agree that Carly is, what they call, excited. As she puts it, “This is going to be the day that Chris and I know we are going to be together for the rest of our lives.” But wait, her “excitement” gets better. Hey Chris, how did you like that chocolate covered strawberry? Oh, I forgot to mention- this was sex meditation we were all watching. If meditating is the way to each other’s heart, then may you two live happily ever after. But really, good luck.

The group date was a rapid event. No pun intended. Everyone was literally soaked and Jade fell overboard. But no worries, a nice massage from Chris and a glass of champagne should do the trick. Kelsey on the other hand… is definitely not as “fine” as she says she is. Anyone want to bet she cracks? My money is on the table.

At the group date cocktail party Jordan showed up. Everyone remember her?

Blonde, couldn’t control her drink consumption… Well, Chris decided to give her another chance. Of course the other ladies were thrilled about that. Ashley I. you should try rolling your eyes one more time at Whitney. Too bad you have to worry about “that.” I guess it’s true what momma tells you: Mean girls will always be mean girls. Time to say goodbye to Ashley I.

The next one-on-one went to Britt. Poor girl- she has an irrational fear of heights. But cute wake up call from Chris! Good news is Britt doesn’t panic on her hot air balloon ride with Chris. I feel bad for the guide who had to awkward stand a few centimeters away, as he watched the two make out. But really, who’s actually surprised?


Side note: Did anyone else think there was something terribly wrong with Kelsey’s “Isn’t my story great? I love my story.” I’m sorry; you’re talking about your husband who tragically passed away. Last time I checked, that wasn’t bragging material. Cue her evil laugh. This chick is insane.

At the cocktail party, Chris got a little emotional and had to step out of the room. Chris decided to jump right to the guns and cancel the party to go straight to the Rose Ceremony. Kelsey confused things a little more and had some sort of a panic attack.

And then we got the dreaded “To be continued…”

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