There are so many avenues of dating these days to assist us in the search for our perfect partner and life mate. There is speed dating, chance encounters, online dating, clubs, groups, and even professional matchmaking services. No matter which avenue you choose, there is one variable that will always come into play and that is YOU WILL ATTRACT WHO YOU ARE. This is the Universal law of attraction. Like is attracted to like. There are many things in life and in dating that we do not have control over, so why not focus on the one thing that is in our control and that is ourselves.
Personal growth, health, passion, service- these are all ways in which we can enhance our own life and in turn attract energetically someone to us who is sending out the same vibration. When I see someone who invests in themselves, I find it extremely attractive. People are drawn to others who live passionate lives, it’s sexy, so is the confidence that one exudes when they no longer require external sources for happiness, they are whole and fulfilled on their own. When they do meet that special someone, who is also whole and fulfilled, they can compliment each others life and not be co-dependent on one another for happiness.
Do you have any idea who you are searching for? Most people don’t. Taking time to yourself to realize your likes, dislikes and goals is crucial in order to be authentic in a relationship. Everyday when you wake up you need to be honest about how you feel, who you are and what you want. If you are not being authentic, you are not truly going to connect on the deeper level.
Everyone is different. Some people are more passive when it comes to their love life and other’s are more active in making it happen. The truth of the matter is, if nothing changes, then guess what?! Nothing changes.

Seize the opportunity to simultaneously enhance your own life and put yourself out there to meet new people.
In regards to personal growth, you can attend seminars, workshops, a new class, or hit up the library. Think of all the possible encounters that are available to you.
What ways can you improve your health? Join the gym. Try that Kickboxing class you’ve been thinking about. Join a hiking group. Take some healthy cooking classes or a workshop on nutrition or herbal supplements. Once you feel better in your temple, you will be exuding a whole new energy, and confidence.
Do what you love. What are you passionate about? What excites you? Find a way to incorporate it into your daily life. Living your passion will inspire a glorious glow and zest for life into your being and then you will begin to attract other passionate people into your life.
Give. That’s our sole purpose. When we give to others, we are really giving to ourselves. This is where true fulfillment is born. It doesn’t matter how you choose to be of service- volunteer, share your passion, blog, fund-raise, hold the door open, smile, etc. This really develops your self-worth and the way you value yourself. I see far too many people put themselves on “sale” and settle for relationships that are not in their best interest. When you put out positive energy you are going to get positive energy back in return. Same goes for negative energy, words, thoughts and behaviors- if you are focusing on what is wrong or what is missing then that’s what you will continue to attract into your life and you are going to repel people away from you. Nobody likes a “Negative Nancy”, it’s draining! Focus on the positive!
When it comes to dating, the “Law of Attraction” is in effect all the time, whether you choose to recognize it or not. Your personality, attitude, and your energy projects out into the world and will bring you back the matching vibration. To find your perfect partner, work on yourself and be a “Do-er”. Do new things, with new people, in new situations and open yourself up to cupid’s arrow.
Great article Channa. It’s so important to be true to your SELF and know who you are and your value.
I agree that what you put out and the energy you give off will invite the same into all aspects of your life.
I recently read a quote asking one to consider; whatever is missing in your relationships is ONLY what you have not put into it.
It all goes down to BEING that which you want to attract in your life.
Great post!