I’m starting to wonder if there is a trend among us Canadian ladies. Does it seem like we are a little softer around the edges compared to the American Bachelorettes?
Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for Canadian pride. But let’s do a little comparison. When Clare wasn’t having any of AshLee’s crazy talk from Bachelor in Paradise, she brought out the knives. When the Canadian ladies don’t get enough Tim time, and feel “bullied” by the other Bachelorettes, they cry. For once we could learn a little something from our fellow neighbours…

Welcome back to another week of The Bachelor Canada. Our Bachelor is a tad frustrated, and I mean, who can blame him. With so many emotional ladies, how could he possibly enjoy his time hanging out with half naked women on the beaches of Cabo? You really have it rough Tim. I see why you decided to send home 4 ladies instead of 2. There just isn’t’ enough Timmy to go around for these high maintenance Chiquita’s.
The one-on-one date went out to fiery Lisa. A little surprised, won’t lie. But I guess our Tim needed a confident lady to take him away from the suffocation. Their dinner seemed pleasant, and Lisa looked rather interested in the man sitting across from her.
As usual, Kaylynn was busy ranting all about Kaylynn back at the house. Because obviously it’s still Martha’s fault that Kaylynn couldn’t control her emotions last episode, and of course it’s all about Martha when Kaylynn has a breakdown. Right.

On the first group date, the ladies performed a traditional dance for the town. To be honest, it was boring and I was embarrassed to continue watching it prolong.

The second group date was supposed to be a volleyball tournament, but wise old Tim decided it would be better to cancel the date and have a beach day- with everyone. Oh Tim, haven’t you learned? These women don’t like when there are more women around. They’re falling too hard, and they really don’t have time for your indecisiveness.
So the women compete for Tim’s attention. Natalie gets all teacher on Tim (I’m sorry Tim, but do you really want to spend your life feeling like a 5-year-old?) and April runs away crying. Tim leaves his chat time with pageant girl to go save the day. April wraps he legs around Tim in the ocean and you can see the plots of revenge storming in the other women’s eyes.
At the Rose Ceremony, the women look like they are ready to kill, and Tim sends home four ladies: April Borgnetta, Martha, Jenny and Christine.