By: Michael J. Williams

We live in an age where culture shock has soared to an all-time high, so it’s really no surprise that many people have begun to crave the taste of a simpler time.

Say good-bye to online dating and electric razors. Say hello to clean-cut suits and whisky on-the-rocks. As always in a fashion movement, there are a couple key pop-culture icons leading the pack.

barney stinson 2

To start we have Don Draper of the hit AMC series, MadMen, an adman in the golden age of workplace excess. Portrayed by Jon Hamm, Draper is the quintessential poster-boy for chivalry and class. With his slick-back tightly combed hair-do and his desk-side bar cart, Draper portrays the wildest dreams of every North American man.

Next is the man who recently made popular the term “Suit Up”. This man is Barney Stinson. Portrayed by Neil Patrick Harris in the hit CBS series, How I Met Your Mother, Barney constantly preaches the importance of always looking fantastic and being ready for anything. Writer of the Bro-code and owner of the coolest bachelor pad in the history of mankind, Barney is the epitome of male camaraderie and adventure. Barney Stinson is Legen…wait-for-it…dary! So how can you live up to all this greatness? Well here are a few simple steps to get you as close as realistically possible considering the fictional nature of the aforementioned men:

barney stinson

1. Suit up – Dressing formally for all occasions shows that you put effort into yourself and the way you want the world to see you. These don’t have to be expensive Armani suits, what they do have to be is clean and ironed. Wearing a wrinkly suit is like showering in the morning without brushing your teeth, you’re only as strong as your weakest feature. If you’re going Don Draper style you’ll want a matching blazer and pants, a white shirt, and a stylish tie.

straight razor

2. Embrace Nostalgia – Recently we’ve seen a resurgence in the production of objects from past generations. Integrating some of these items into your everyday life will not only make you look and feel classier but will also aid your on-going education as a more cultured and intellectual individual. For starters, ditch your disposable razor and learn to use a straight razor. Not only is it hella classy, it’s incredibly economical and better for your skin. You aren’t frequently having to buy new razors and you can re-sharpen the blade after each use. Might I also recommend that you check out a couple Youtube tutorials to practice technique.


Next off, get a record player and start a vinyl collection. There’s nothing classier than taking a lady back to your place and putting a jazz record on the turntable to set the mood. Invest in a bar cart or minibar. Although you shouldn’t include it in your office furnishings for risk of being fired, it makes for an excellent addition to any living space. The classy man is always prepared to offer a lady a drink, so make sure to learn some good cocktail recipes.

3. Chivalry is NOT dead – This is like saying manners are dead and it’s almost obscene that it need be included. So in saying this if you aren’t already holding doors for people and helping ladies with their coat and chair then shame on you and it’s about damn time you started.

So remember, suit up, clean up, always appear in control and be ready for anything. You’re a new man now, show us what you’re made of.

Michael J. Williams is a model, writer, designer and entrepreneur in the making.  Originally from St. John’s, Newfoundland he moved to Toronto in 2012 to pursue his dreams in fashion. Throughout the last year and a half he has completed a diploma in Graphic Design & Interactive Media at The Academy of Design in Toronto and got his foot in the door in the modelling industry. An amazing process thus far Michael learned and grown exponentially.  Moving forward his next step is to kick it up a notch in the Big Apple, for which he is beyond ecstatic. Mainly his time will be spent writing, modelling and working on a men’s handbag line. He has a love for fashion which he is planning to share with you as well as photography, any and all reading material, listening to vinyl, commercial and non-commercial artwork, espresso and Netflix. “My motto is maximize your strengths, work your ass off and roll with the opportunities. It’s gotten me this far so that’s what I’m sticking to.”

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. NÜK

    I need grand advice like this!!!

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