Hey Everyone,

This blog is for people who are looking for date ideas. Below is a list of ideas that make for incredibly fun/special evenings with the person you are looking to date or are currently dating. While some of them depend on location, and budget, there is a little something for everyone. Give it a look.

Dating isn’t easy, whether it’s been two weeks or twenty years.

Finding a way to “spice-up” date night takes effort, and planning, but it is unbelievably important.

Dinner and a movie is AWESOME, seriously I LOVE food and I LOVE movies, but finding a way to make experiences with the person you love is crucial to a couple’s happiness.


1. Join a Co-ed sports league (not a date exactly, but still counts)

2. Go to a bookstore and pick out a book for the other person to read.

3 Create photo evidence suggesting you went on a trip that you didn’t actually go on.

4. Build forts out of furniture and blankets. Light a candle and tell stories all night.

5. Visit as many of your friends as you can in one night. Turn things inside their apartment/home upside down without getting caught.

6. Go to a concert where neither of you know the artist(s) playing.

7. Every city has a SUPER touristy thing… Find it and go do it together.

8. Drive to a small town, find a restaurant, dress in clothes you wouldn’t notmally wear, have dinner using fake names.

9. Take an Uber to a minor league baseball game. Cheer for both teams. Eat lots of bad food, and drink a thousand beers.

10. Walk around your city all night, find a place to eat breakfast together at dawn.

11. Go to a restaurant and convince the cook to make something new (off the menu) for you.

12. Rent a movie you both haven’t seen before. Put it on mute, and make up the dialogue.

13. Go the arcade. Play every game in the store. (will cost about $40)

date night

14. Visit a senior citizen home, or children’s hospital. Bring ice cream. Ask lots of questions and listen…

15. Go through the contacts on your phone. Pick 10 people to prank call. She does 5. He does 5.

16. Dress up in your Sunday’s best. Test Drive expensive cars.

17. Host a board game night with two other couples.

18. Crash a wedding together. So easy, so fun.

19. Go the airport on a Friday. Ask for two tickets on the next/cheapest departing flight.

20. Volunteer to babysit the kids of a married couple you know. Do it for free.

There are 20 date ideas for you and your significant other to do together. Not all of these will be for you, but I’m gonna challenge you to pick at least 5 and do them over the course of the next 5 months. One night a month (at least) try something new!

Comment below with your own ideas, or share how your date night went using one of these ideas.

Happy Dating!

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