A lot of times diets fail and exercise regimes don’t stick. This probably has to do with the fact that Kale Smoothies aren’t actually that great and there are only so many times a strategically planned playlist can get you through lifting heavy objects at a gym. But just because you don’t want to jump on that next #healthkick trend doesn’t mean that you still can’t be fit and healthy.  This is where active living comes into play. The World Health Organization defines active living as “A way of life in which physical, social, mental, emotional and spiritual activities are valued and integrated into daily living.” Which is a fun way of saying that it’s okay to toss out your gym membership, stop buying kale and start incorporating our tips and tricks on active living into your life!

Active Living

Be Okay With Starting Small and Working Your Way Up

If it’s intimidating to jump right in, like biking all the way to work, it’s okay to start with biking to the subway station or using a bike rental service on your lunch break to go pick up your lunch.

You don’t have to commit to huge changes once you decide to live an active lifestyle, make small changes to find what you like doing and grow from there.

Do What You Already Do- But Actively

Your office is on the 7th floor? Take the stairs. Do you need to go to the washroom? Pick one that’s farther from your desk. Cleaning up after dinner? Put on some music and dance while you do it. Start thinking about everything that you are already doing and start making small changes that require you to move a little more. 

Active Living


Do you remember how great recess was when we were little? Or how excited a dog gets when they see a ball. Just like kids and dogs- we should all start looking for ways to keep playing in our lives. Playing is great for both your physical and mental health. Just because we’ve grown up doesn’t mean that we should stop playing. So if you have a dog- don’t just throw the ball for them- join in the game. You see people playing a game of squash, tennis, or basketball? Ask if you can join in. Find activities that make you feel like a game and start to play.

It will be interesting: Why Yoga Should Be A Part Of Your Life 

Make activities social

Hanging out with your friends this weekend? Instead of heading straight out for a drink- find some new activities to try. If you want some cardio you can try indoor trampolines or if you want some upper body strength- go axe throwing. Incorporating activities into your social time is a great way to get your body moving without going to the gym!

Active Living

Sometimes, Just Make The Healthier Choice

Drink that glass of water- not only is it healthy for your body but it’s great for your skin. You want some ice cream- that’s great just makes sure you haven’t been shying away from vegetables. Grab a plain coffee instead of a caramel macchiato. Look at your daily routine and each day commit to making a healthier choice one time throughout the day. Eventually, all of those little healthy choices won’t be so little.

The key to active living is a balance- eat healthy-ish and move your body. Stop approaching every day with an all or nothing approach because anything is better than nothing. But most of all- have fun!

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