Can we get a shout out for all those ladies for making their own cash and looking like the million bucks while you are doing it! This one is just for you and turning that already independent, hustling, in it to win it attitude into building your dream empire – in hot ass pink stilettos, meow girlfriend! Our DivaGirl Preneur section is firing up all their fuel for the launch of our amazing, brand new DivaGirl University! At DivaGirl Preneur we strive to educate, inspire and connect women to feel fabulous on the inside and out, sounds great right!? Now with DivaGirl University we bring to you a 8-week course to train female entrepreneurs to be fabulous and successful in business… and life – it really is all about balance. We’re so excited to be sharing this course with you and now present a few secret teaser tips! Grab a drink, kick up your pumps, and let us inspire you to shoot for the stars darlings!

Pursue Your Passion with Conviction – I’m placing passion first simply because what you’re passionate about ignites a fire inside of you, and it takes a passionate, fire to kill attitude to create something big out of your ideas. It’s safe to say that it takes a lot of work to be an entrepreneur, that’s obvious but what keeps the hard working women who’s under slept and hopped up on caffeine going no matter what is the fire that burns inside her working at what she loves doing! That flame will never die! So darlings start with discovering what makes you, and just you really happy? What soothes your soul, or washes all your worries away? Anything that makes you happy, passionate, and inspired is worth doing.


Connect With Fabulous Industry Pros – Do you ever wonder how your idol or the person at the top of the chain in your industry who you admire got to where they are today? Well, it’s probably the exact same way you’re getting started, with an idea, a ton of excitement, drive and a sexy martini in hand to celebrate, cheers darlings! The best way for you to get to where they are is to pick their brain, ask the tough questions of what came in their way or ask them to mentor you! What a fabulous compliment that would be for any successful person to know they’ve inspired someone to be just like them – it’s like giving them red carpet, A-list status!

Focus on What Makes You a Superstar! – Okay so when you’re a fierce, fiery, sexy entrepreneur you’re going to have to get used to doing lots of things on you’re own. You want to save everywhere possible and put lots of money back into your fabulous empire right! Not to fret you’re a superstar so while you’re running on those double espresso shot lattes you’ll look fabulous, energetic, and always ready to go! With this said know what you excel at and what is worth delegating to someone else. Sometimes it’s worth the bucks to hire an assistant or better yet have an intern hop on board! The knowledge you possess is valuable so share that insight with a business student for example – they’ll learn how to rock at building a business and you’ll get a lot more done, and maybe a bit more shut eye. đŸ˜‰

Trust The Voice Within – Last but certainly not least make sure you’re always, and I mean always going with your gut and listening to that little voice in you’re head that says “hey you should do this”,” “I don’t think I should do that” or “collaborating with that person won’t be a good idea.” I know, I know easier said than done I mean you’re managing 150 things at once so sometimes it’s not super easy to always be paying attention to it. However as busy as you are you’ll notice when you didn’t listen to it down the road and then say “Ugh, I totally knew it I should have trusted myself!” That phrase ring any bells darling? You’re “gut” or intuition is you protecting yourself from choices that don’t agree with your passion and in turn true happiness so when you turn off everything from the outside world for just 10 minutes, close your eyes and just sit, think, and listen you’ll discover all you need to go forward and kick ass! To hear a fabulous sing songy version of trusting your inner voice have a listen to my girl Christina Aguilera’s “Trust The Voice Within.”


Okay fierce ladies I know the creative juices are flowing, the ideas are bubbling, and you’re so super excited to start building your fabulous biz today! You have to check out all the details on DivaGirl University and you still have time to sign up! Your first sexy class starts October 23rd and we assure you you’ll get lots of amazing advice and tips from the pros while having a ton of fun with amazing women just like you! Visit our Facebook page or Website and we’ll see you there! Class dismissed!


Written By: Julia Marie Gallo xox

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