I’m a big believer in doing your best at creating a date that is unique and experiential. Any time your date can say that they had never thought of going to this particular restaurant but they now intend to return, is a successful date.
The Korean Village Restaurant on Bloor in Mirvish Village, will provide you with all you need to accomplish just that. You’ll find great Korean food, a discussable atmosphere and an interactive eating experience.
The décor is as old school as a traditional Asian restaurants get. Fountains, fake plants and Asian adornments fill the empty spaces. So what’s the magic? Well, just that. The kitschy, unassuming ambience has no pretention and therefore is very quaint, peaceful and maybe even a little romantic.
My suggestion is to phone in advance and book a private booth. The booth is not unlike any that you’d experience in a typical sushi restaurant. It’s private with Asian print curtains and a buzzer affixed to the wall to summon your server. But having a private eating space is key.
Once there, your next consideration is the “experiential” part of your meal.
My recommendation is to order one of the many BBQ plates and BBQ it yourself right at the table. That’s right, you and your date take turns actually cooking your meal on a portable BBQ stove right at your table.
When my date and I visited, the owner’s son strongly recommended the beef Kalbi. So good he said that celebrity chef Susur Lee would make a special trip just to enjoy it! Believe me, it melts in your mouth!
All of the entrees are served with typical Korean side dishes prepared fresh by the matriarch and owner of the restaurant.
If you want a delicious, interactive and memorable evening, The Korean Village Restaurant is my choice for this month!