“Julie Ferman.com” Los Angeles’s Most Eligible Bachelorette: Wendy!
Wendy is enormously positive, warm and kind, a devoted friend who’s a spirited woman, ready for marriage and family. As happy at the ballgame as she as at a formal affair or being at home together relaxing. An administrative vixen by day at a private equity firm, she has an adventurous spirit and an inquisitive mind. She loves reading, singing, traveling and learning and she loves engaging in great conversations of all kinds.
Wendy is looking forward to partnering with a man who is a happy, joyful person, and who will be madly in love with her mind and heart. Someone who is kind, smart and funny, who has a strong sense of self and who’s emotionally intelligent, aware, and has done his inner growth work.

Name: Wendy
Things I’m passionate about: I’m wildly passionate about marriage equality – I believe it is the civil rights issue of our time. I’m passionate about my friends and family, how much I love them, and how grateful I am for all of them. I’m passionate about music, how it’s greater than the sum of its parts, and how it can truly move people. I’m passionate about laughter – I think it’s important to laugh at yourself, and to laugh joyfully at life. I’m passionate about reading and literacy – books have bought a richness to my life that I treasure. I’m passionate about the empowerment of women and girls all over the world, I believe it is the key to a more peaceful and evolved society.
My ideal first date would be: I like to be pleasantly surprised on a date. It’s not about the big, dramatic gesture or plan, it’s the small things that bring delight: the twinkle in the eye, the inside joke, remembering what I say, making me laugh until sushi comes out of my nose, having an expansive opinion, having layers to your story. I like to talk and laugh into the wee hours and not want the night to end, it doesn’t really matter what the setting is.
People say that I am: Loving, warm, funny, kind, quick-witted, supportive, generous, and creative.
My ideal partner is: Funny is huge. Kind is imperative. Gainfully employed is helpful. I also really appreciate a sense of adventure, an appreciation for family, an ability to empathize with suffering, a history of self-examination and personal growth, and a little bit of wickedness.
Dating deal breakers: Intolerance, bad temper, anger issues, extreme social conservative views, taking yourself too seriously, no sense of humor, and being ‘in the program’ (I have a lot of respect for people that go through AA and such programs, but I have found that they aren’t compatible with my life).
I’m not bragging but I: I’m really goddamn funny. And I make an excellent blueberry pancake.
A talent that may surprise you: I’m a singer and a songwriter. I have an album on itunes, a bunch of ‘I Heart Wendy’ merch, and I also sing in a friend’s adult burlesque comedic rock band. Seriously. It is a blast and terribly inappropriate.
Three artists you’ll find on my iPod: Vintage Trouble (hats off to the brilliantly filthy Ty Taylor), Bon Iver, Prince.
My dream vacation: It’s funny, I’ve now been to 20 different countries and I recently went to Hawaii for the first time and I found it to be absolutely magical and I can’t wait to go back. But the next two international destinations that are on my list are Bali and Istanbul/Croatia. A ‘dream’ vacation is one where I am with someone ‘or someones’ that I love and who make me laugh and who are up for an adventure.
My favorite part of living in LA: Well the weather is like nowhere else, it really is pretty fantastic. But I think what I love most about LA is the amazing variety of brilliant and creative people that are here. When I came to LA, I felt like I found my tribe.
What I put on my burger: I have rarely met a burger I didn’t like, especially when it comes with a big pile of fries next to it. I am generally a burger purist: mustard, ketchup, tomatoes, pickles, lettuce, sometimes bacon if I’m feeling saucy. However, the Village Idiot on Melrose does something on their burger with a caramelized onion that I find to be delightful.
I was most impressed on a date when: When I found out he took some time before the date to think of a place that would make me happy. When he made me throw back my head and laugh. When he was more interested in listening than talking.
In high school I was: Restless. I was ready to get out into the world and be my own person.
My guilty indulgence is: Oh man, does there have to be one? Are we talking about food? If I had to pick one food I would say French fries. But really you can’t do anything to a potato that I don’t LOVE. But also pizza, burgers, mac& cheese, any kind of bread with butter, butter cake from Mastro’s, and mmmm chocolate chip cookies. And now I’m hungry. Wait were we not talking about food? I don’t think I feel guilty about anything else ☺
In my past life I was: I’m fairly certain I was a woman of questionable repute in the 20’s who ran a bootleg whiskey and poker bar and sang bawdy songs to her clientele.
In my next life I will be: President.
If my life were a genre of movie it would be: A quirky rom-com with a dash of underdog feel-goodery.
The actor that should play my life story is: Johnny Depp? God, those cheekbones. Ok, fine, Nicholas Cage. There is a quiz in Seventeen magazine that will answer this very question for you, but I got Julianne Hough. I am now just sitting around waiting for the apocalypse.
Favorite LA spot to grab a drink: I like wine on the patio of Bouchon, vodka on the Perch rooftop, Baileys in my coffee on my couch on a Sunday morning, and whiskey onstage.
Favorite ice cream flavor: Ben & Jerry’s Chubby Hubby. Holy cats.
To relieve stress I: Depends on the stress. Breathing really helps, sometimes I call a friend to talk it out, sometimes yoga is just the thing. I’m a musician, so singing with friends really lifts my spirits, and dancing with friends has become one of my favorite things. I’m hoping to set up a monthly dance party where my friends and I can dance our blues away. Oh and whiskey. Whiskey always helps.
If I played hooky I’d: In my mind if I were to steal away from work I would go snag a dear friend, rent a convertible, drive up the coast, play road show music, and end up on some patio overlooking the ocean with a guitar and a glass of wine in my hand. In actuality what would probably happen is that I would end up going home, throwing open my windows to let the breeze in, putting on some Bon Iver, pouring a glass of wine, and curling up with a great book.
If I found a genie in a bottle my three wishes would be: I would erase the oppression of women and girls around the world, I would have my love cross my path in the next year and fall hopelessly in love with me, and I would be able to eat and drink whatever I wanted and still have washboard abs. The tri-fecta!

Credits: Special sponsor JulieFerman.com