If you’ve been exercising in a dark and dingy gym then it’s time for you to break the shackles and head outside! Warm weather has arrived and there is no good reason for you to remain indoors to do your cardiovascular training. Treadmills, stationary exercise bikes as well as elliptical trainers are great for winter but the

y can be avoided in summer.

What are the benefits of exercising outdoor? There are far too many to mention but here are ten things you may want to consider:

1.     Boosts your mood

2.       Additional challenges you won’t find in a gym

3.       Outdoor activities tend to me more strenuous than the indoor version

4.       You will enjoy your exercise session more and have lower levels of fatigue

5.       Spending time in the sun boosts Vitamin D levels

6.       Exercising outdoors avoid the monotony of a stationery piece of equipment

7.       People who exercise outdoor have a tendency to be healthier (especially young kids)

8.       You can keep yourself entertained easier and go for longer

9.       You will burn more calories than the indoor version of the activity

10.   You will inspire others

It is also important to note that studies have found people have lower blood levels of cortisol a hormone that is significantly related to stress when exercising outside. Exercising outdoors is a seasonal attraction and remember to get out there while you can before winter resurfaces.

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