It’s almost time to open the pool for the summer… What do you think about swimming as a form of cardio?

I love swimming! Summer is almost here, and swimming is a great way to get in shape; so, go ahead and dive in! Swimming gives you longer, leaner muscles and is especially great if you have knee problems, back problems or arthritis. Muscle movement is important for circulation, since the water suspends you swimming is a non-impact activity, but you’re still conditioning the heart and increasing your healthy circulation. The only drawback to swimming is that it isn’t a weight-bearing exercise. For those with osteoporosis concerns, swimming is good but should be combined with weight training and walking or jogging to build bone density. Don’t forget that exercising by swimming does not have to be confined to the sunny summer months. Indoor swimming facilities, such as the YMCA, exist throughout the GTA and are available to any and all avid water seekers.