Better known as “H.I.I.T” (high intensity interval training). One of the most effective ways to burn fat.  Especially if you are pressed for time.  So this type of exercise is not only effective but efficient!

This can be performed using any cardiovascular machine, and I suggest that you use them all. Multi-mode cardio (where you change the machine or type of activity regularly) has been shown in the research to be another more effective factor.

So as a general guideline, don’t use the same cardio machine two workouts in a row.

The Routine

  • Warm up for five minutes.
  • One Round: Perform 1 minute as fast as you can (a level 9 or 10 intensity, depending on the machine – on a scale of 1-10).

Recover at a moderate pace for 1 minute (a level 6-7 intensity).

That’s one “round” – and it lasts three minutes.

  • Cool down for five minutes.


The Formula

Perform the “After-burn” Fat-loss Routine several times each week.

These workouts can be done after your weight training workouts, later the same day or on separate days. What I don’t want you to do is perform these routines before weight training. This will reduce the effectiveness of your program.

  • Weeks One to Four:

    Perform 3 rounds, 3 times per week.

The total cardio time will be 19 mins per workout including warm up and cool down.

  • Weeks Five to Eight:

    Perform 4 rounds, 4 times per week.

The total cardio time will be 22 mins per workout including warm up and cool down.

  • Weeks Nine to Twelve:

    Perform 5 rounds, 4 times per week.

The total cardio time will be 25 mins per workout including warm up and cool down.

  • Weeks Thirteen to Sixteen:

    Perform 6 rounds, 5 times per week.

  • The total cardio time will be 28 mins per workout including warm up and cool down.

This type of cardio training performed as prescribed, typically results in a 1-2lb fat loss per week. So over a sixteen week period, depending on your dedication to nutrition, supplementation and your weight training routine, we are looking at a possible loss of at least 16-30 plus lbs. of fat.

There are many ways to shed fat but I find this method extremely beneficial especially after weight training.  The after-burn means you are burning fat well after your workout is done.  So this is definitely a no brainer!

Once you complete this you can change it by decreasing work rest periods. For example 30 secs work and 30 secs rest.  This is very challenging and pushes you to a new level!

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