Why is it that when it comes to a break up, feeling miserable seems to be mostly attributed to women when in fact men can feel just as sad and lost? Believe me, everyone wants that moment of triumph when you see your ex and you are looking and feeling great. For a second your ex might have a moment of regret because you look and feel fantastic. For that one little superficial moment, you are mentally  screaming “Eat your heart out”!!! Yes I agree, maybe I am being a bit dramatic but men want retribution too!!

With that being said, you are single once again and you begin looking at yourself quite critically, because we all do it. With each breakup, you begin reflecting, trying to figure out “when did I stop caring how I looked and how people see me?” I am not saying this article applies to every man who just got dumped, or was the dumpee, but listen fellas, breakups happen to all of us.

Obviously, you first have to be stable and happy with yourself. But once you have that under control and your soul searching is making good progress, you need to regroup, and get back to feeling good about your appearance and get out there once again.

Here are a few tips to help you bring your A-game after a break up:


break up

I personally love a scruff as much as the next person. However, MANSCAPING is a must!! Whether it is your back, chest or the simple maintaining of the stray hairs going down the back of your neck, you need to trim, cut or wax it. Use whatever hair removal technique you are comfortable with but make it a distant memory.

Manicures and Pedicures

Some of you might roll your eyes, but don’t! You need to look after your hands and feet even if it means you are doing it yourselves. Women especially are all about the details, and I cannot tell you how many times that I have heard “he was cute BUT his feet and nails were not clean and maintained”. Hygiene is everything!

A Wardrobe Boost

Please do us all a favor and showcase your best ASSets – If you don’t know your best physical asset, ask an honest friend or think back to your past relationships and what they used to compliment you on. If you have a great butt or legs, buy a great pair of slim fit trousers and show them off. If you have a great chest and shoulders, buy a fine knit sweater that clings in all the right places. I think you know where I am going with this!

Take Care of Your Smile

There is no excuse to have yellow teeth nowadays, especially because of the amount of coffee people drink. If the bleaching trays are too expensive made by your dentist, then buy “Crest White Strips”. They are an affordable option and they really work. Everyone loves a bright smile!

Gentlemen, it is not about getting the one that got away back, it’s about achieving your personal best one step at a time!

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