Summer is here, which means relaxation, happiness, and confidence! Or… does it? Despite the warmer weather, barbecues, bonfires and s’mores – summer can also be a stressful time for some because of the dreaded beach bod which leads to other stressors. Yes, the nerves we get from trying to be our best selves every summer is draining and, at times, pretty overwhelming. Don’t let that summer stress get you down. Here is how to be your best self this summer.

It will be interesting: Trying Something New

Wear An Outfit That Makes You Happy
best self

This is such a simple task in theory but so difficult when we try to do it. I think we have all had those days (myself included) when we cannot seem to like any outfit we pick out and BOOM we are 45 minutes late to brunch! There is a bit more pressure in the summer when it comes to clothes because of the hot weather. Hot weather usually equals more exposed skin, which can be intimidating to a lot of people and that’s totally normal. This summer, try out this experiment. Go to the store (or in your closet) and choose an outfit that you like to look at or that you think is cute. Here’s the challenge: you have to wear whatever you decide and ignore your desires to change based on insecurities. If you don’t feel comfortable with a whole outfit, don’t stress! Choose an item of clothing that you enjoy instead or even a crazy accessory that you would never wear out! Challenge yourself to wear that piece of clothing for the entire day. Go out, grab an iced coffee (or whatever you prefer), go to a book store, go to the mall – whatever you want! This exercise is absolutely terrifying at first because you’re going to go out of your comfort zone, but if you challenge yourself a little bit every day with this small challenge, it will lead to a more positive acceptance of your body. Why should you have to follow specific rules when it comes to summer clothes? Love what you wear, express yourself and let your body do the talking!

*Note: I suggest this little method because I try to do it every now and then when I am down on myself or feeling insecure. It really does help in small ways to owning your body and reclaiming your confidence when it comes to clothes. As a plus-size woman, summer was always difficult for me personally – fashion-wise. However, rules were meant to be broken, and summer was meant to be enjoyed, and I promise you’ll have more fun once you slowly let go of the worries about what people may think and – sidetone – they’re not thinking anything!

Wear Your Favourite Makeup
best self

Let’s clear the air right off the bat – don’t use makeup to hide your insecurities but use it to embrace your beauty (but only if you like makeup). If you are a makeup lover, then you definitely have your favourite products, and sometimes, even when we do not have a special occasion, it feels nice to wear our favourite products to give us a little boost of happiness. Wear that bold pink sparkly lip if it makes you happy, or even that black lip – forget summer makeup rules! You can go for a natural look, maybe something glowy or matte and even glittery! It’s your face, and you should express yourself based on your terms. Makeup is a great way to express artistry and also confidence. It’s not about covering your “flaws” but about creativity and passion within the application of makeup and, let’s face it – it’s cute too! If it makes you happy, go for it! If you are not into makeup, that’s no problem! Treat yourself to a fantastic face mask or even some special serums from your skincare collection that you don’t use very often. It’s all about making your skin feel and look beautiful to you and feeling good about being your best self!

Keep A Compliment Journal
best self

Grab yourself a little notebook or – if you are tech-savvy (or just someone with a smartphone/tablet) – then keep a virtual note and every day make sure to write a compliment to yourself. Difficult, I know, right? It’s hard to stay positive about yourself because … life. Try to make time during the day to give yourself the praise you deserve. How can you be your best self this summer anyways if you don’t believe in your best self? Start with one compliment every day, and it is essential that you write it down somewhere to have it recorded, especially so you can look back to it. Also, this is not a journal, it is just a compliment journal so there is no negativity here, only positive vibes! You will see how this little habit will transform your attitude and self-confidence over time. Eventually, you’ll be writing so many compliments that you won’t be able to stop blushing! Wow!

It will be interesting: Taking Care Of YOU

Have a great summer!

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