What does care mean? It means being considerate of someone’s feelings and needs and being there for them in hard times. It means being kind, and showing compassion and empathy.
Have you ever traveled in an airplane? In the safety announcement before a flight, they tell you, in case of low oxygen in the cabin, put on your mask first, before helping others, even if this other person is a child. It’s only natural that we try to save our loved ones from danger first, but the idea here is in order to take care of your loved ones you need to be in a good condition yourself.
Same applies to relationships, we can’t help caring for others, but while pouring our heart into our relationships we tend to neglect our needs and desires. We would rather put their needs over ours, which is healthy if it doesn’t make you feel overwhelmed with responsibility.
How to take care of yourself:
- View yourself as an individual:
The most important thing is to view yourself as an individual, focus on your goals and strive to achieve them, have a high opinion about yourself and value your passion, your work and contribution to the relationship. It’s alright to take a back seat some time and let others take charge.
- Get some sleep:
They may sound irrelevant but getting enough sleep is vitally important for your health. Well rested people can handle situations better. Likewise, sleep deprived people are more likely to quarrel and carry negative feelings even after the bickering. So reassess your morning and night routines. Sleep on time put away the cell phone and switch off the TV. Get a good 8 hours sleep, or as much as you can.
It will be interesting: Sleeping To Success

- Eat Healthy:
Healthy eating habits are very important for not only your physical well being but for your emotional health too. Don’t ever starve yourself. Being hungry makes you the worst kind of cranky, and fatigued.
You have a house full of responsibilities every day to handle however the thing is, you need to be healthy. Have healthy snacks in between your meals, and avoid junk and sugar which makes you hormonal.
- Appreciate yourself and others:

Be your own cheerleader; applaud yourself and your family on even minor accomplishments. Only if you are stable enough you can become each other’s support system. Focus on the positive aspects of life and find reasons to celebrate.
- Find time for yourself:
Spend time doing what you love, your old hobbies or may be reading or getting out with friends, or a spa date. Indulge yourself and don’t feel guilty about it.
It will be interesting: Learning To Love Yourself
When you value yourself as an individual person and you take care of YOU-first, it will give a healthy boost to your relationships; you will stop being demanding, irritable and needy. It will make you confident and attractive. And finally, you can only love others the right way if you love yourself enough. All you have to do is try to be the best version of yourself and enjoy the process.