Do you feel that dressing appropriately in college may make a difference in your lifestyle? If so, we have some tips for you.

Why Is Dressing Nice Important

As hard as it may be to believe, when one dresses nice, they usually feel more attractive and therefore develop confidence and self-esteem. Even when you feel isolated at your work Christmas party, the feelings would likely be worse if you wore jeans and a pizza-stained t-shirt to the event.

If the way you dress stands out, you have no idea how many people may look at you in a positive light. Your professors will feel like you respect them for dressing nice. Also, you may attract more women than you realize. If your college is hosting a pyjama day, then it is probably best not to participate in it.

You do not necessarily have to dress overly formal either, unless if you are a television or film director in your college program or want to practice adjusting to business life. Just try to look clean instead of dirty.

Long Hair Or Short Hair


One common trend seems to be that many men have long hair in high school before cutting it shorter for their college years. This is usually because men want to look more fresh and professional when applying to workplaces.

Long hair on men is usually associated with rock stars, celebrities, and some movie and television characters. Long hair is relatively suitable if you plan on taking those paths.

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Facial Hair

A lot of men keep their facial hair because they feel it makes them manly. Some people may find facial hair more attractive than others. However, if your pathway involves regularly meeting with people, especially customers or clients, you may want to start using a razor more frequently.

It’s not too often you see people in professional positions with a full-grown beard and for a good reason: Professionalism.


While most of your college classmates may wear hoodies and sweatshirts to class as if they are dressing up to attend a World Series game, or wear a sweatshirt that has a funny quote on it, it is not necessary for college. Cardigan, polo style, and turtleneck sweaters may be a better alternative for the chillier half of the year.

Some men may avoid such options for the sake of fitting in with their peers, but in the long run, it is more about the groom. Besides, people do not usually care about trying to fit in during their college years compared to high school.



Similar to sweaters, polo or buttoned t-shirts are better to wear in college. The collared necks and knitted fabric these shirts have especially stand out in terms of making you look sharp. You should also make sure you keep your collar down.

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This may or may not surprise you, but jeans are still fine to wear in college. Just be mindful of what kind of jeans you wear. Light-coloured jeans, especially if they have holes in them, do not exactly give people the impression that you are ambitious. How should the jeans look? They should be dark, meaning a dark navy blue or black colour. Jeans should also be mid-rise and straight instead of low-rise and skinny. Low-rise, skinny jeans are usually associated with hipsters instead of professionals.

As for shorts, it is usually best to leave them at home like you would in professional jobs. However, if the heat is too much for you, and only on those days, wearing shorts that cover your knees, are dark, and not athletic may be okay. Try a Bermuda Short Suit on those overly hot days.



Say it is the first week of college, and the weather forecasters call for a high of 30 degrees Celsius with sunny skies and modest humidity, you may feel tempted to wear sandals or flip-flops. However, if you don’t want your professors to wonder if you are attending a beach party instead of forming a study group, it is best to wear leather shoes or moccasins. Running shoes are also not professional footwear either, especially if you stepped in mud on the way to class.

While many don’t like stinky, sweaty feet from wearing warm footwear on hot summer days, it is best to use a shoe deodorizer for professional settings. Products such as Lumi Outdoors Natural Shoe Deodorizer can leave a peppermint scent inside your shoes.

Breaking it all down

Shorter hair, limited facial hair, polo or buttoned shirts and sweaters; dark-coloured, mid-rise, heavier pants; with leather shoes or moccasins would be your ideal college outfit. Dressing nice makes a bigger difference in how people may act around you more than you realize.

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