Better Dating Ideas Montreal provides advice and tips on a weekly basis for the best places for a date in your city. Check out our weekly postings for the unique and romantic dates in the city.


dating ideas motnreal

A mixture of old and new Beauty’s breakfast and brunch restaurant is an incredible place to dine this weekend. Sometimes you just need to accept that you need others to make breakfast for you, and this is definitely the place to take your date! The bonus… no dishes for you to do!

 Date: All Weekend 

Cross-country Skiing at Parc Jean-Drapeau

Enjoy the beautiful sites of this Canadian winter and take your ‘snow-bunny’ out for a cross country ski through Parc Jean-Drapeau.  Whether you’re already an expert or it’s both your first time, this is a great date idea to get yourselves outside!

Date: Saturdays – All Day

Je t’aime en Chocolate

datings ideas montreal

Need something to satisfy your sweet-tooth? Montreal’s all-things-chocolate festival is happening this weekend! Better known as Je t’aime en Chocolate this festival is sure to place a smile on your face. Featuring various different chocolate treats and “Chocolate Academy” demonstrations, this festival is a great day date idea!

Date: Friday February 6th 2015 -Sunday February 8th 2015

Snow Yoga

Bundle up and attend this free yoga class happening every Saturday morning at Espace La Fontaine. After getting nice and limber in the brisk morning air, spend the afternoon sipping hot chocolate while cuddling up next to your sweetheart.

Date: Saturday February 7th, 2015 at 10am,85437595&_dad=portal&_schema=PORTAL&_piref7297_85437602_7297_85437595_85437595.strutsAction=/cal/publique/

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