It’s the middle of Dec and the holiday season is in full swing. December is the time of the year when there are more parties than ever and the distractions are everywhere. Staying on track can be extremely challenging so here is a list of my top 5 tips to stay motivated during the season and to minimize your setbacks.
1. Maintain a Clean Diet
Now is the time to steer clear of all mega high calorie meals. Remember over the holidays you are going to be put in situations where you have very little choice whether or not to eat incredibly unhealthy treats. The last thing you want to do is exacerbate the issue by going there yourself when you do have a choice. Choose to say no when you can.
2. Don’t Over Eat
When you’re eating something that will not help your waistline, remember to cut down on the portion size. For example, if you’re offered cake at the party and you can’t say no without offending someone then only eat half the slice and call it a day. No one has to know, it’ll be a secret between the two of us.
3. Make it Happen In the Morning
Over the holiday season if you do have an opportunity to exercise make it happen in the morning. The probability of plans interfering in the morning is rare since most people will usually be getting out of bed around 9 over the break. Wake up early and make it happen while everyone else is still asleep.
4. Don’t Stand Around Idle
If you can’t make it to the gym during the holidays make sure you do lots of moving. Go for walks through the city, cruise through the malls (who knows what deals you’ll find) and make sure that you are still being active.
5. One Wrong Doesn’t Ruin Your Day
If you slip up here or there don’t let it impact the rest of your day. Let me tell you something there are going to be instances where events are beyond your control what’s important is not what happens but how you deal with it.
Finally remember the holiday’s is a time to reflect on the year and celebrate your accomplishments throughout the year. Take time to think about what you have already achieved in the area of your health and well-being and plan for greater success in 2013.
Take care, happy holidays, and see you in the new year!