Have you ever felt like you don’t want to do anything… at all? The only way you know how to describe it is you feel stuck. Well, guess what, you’re not alone. Everyone has their days, sometimes weeks of not having the same kind of drive as they used to. Case and point, myself. I have such a passion for writing and journalism but in my last year of college, I had no interest in pushing forward. The standstill worried me, brought me to tears even. After walking across that stage, graduating with Honors, it reminded me why it was so worth it, and it took a few steps to get back to that place.

Change Your Environment

When you’re seeing the same thing every day, it can leave you uninspired. To get your creative juices flowing, get out of the house. Go to spaces you don’t normally go. A stroll in your neighbourhood or a local park could do the trick. Why not plan a trip out of town? Whatever gets you moving and changing up your regular routine is what will make the difference. This is also a great way to get fresh air and keep you active. Movement promotes creativity.

Talk to People

Getting Un-stuck

“Communication – the human connection – is the key to personal and career success.” This Paul J Meyer quote rings true when it comes to getting back in the groove of things. Speaking with friends, family or people you meet every day about various topics feeds you new ideas and different perspectives. This exposes you to information, sparking creativity plus an added bonus, building bonds with fascinating people.

It will be interesting: Get Out Of Your City

Do an Emotional Check-In

There could be deeper underlying issues to low productivity. Take a moment to recognize how you feel. Do you notice feeling significantly different from this experience? Don’t allow other’s to describe you as “lazy” to discourage you further, simply take matters into your own hands; speak to a counsellor if you feel this lack of motivation has impeded your ability to work for far too long. They will be able to better guide you and equip you with the right tools to get you back on track.

Getting Un-stuck

Rest and Relaxation

Sometimes the funk comes from brain fog. Symptoms include a lack of mental clarity and memory loss. When you’re tired, overworked and overwhelmed with the daily intake of information, your brain becomes fatigued, making it harder to function as normal. Set some time aside to lounge around, read a book, take a nap even. Just provide yourself a space without distraction; that means no phone or TV, to let your mind relax.

Motivational Speakers

One of the best ways to become successful is to hear it from the horse’s mouth or in this case, the motivational speaker’s mouth. These are people who have been there, done that and are ready to share with the world how they became the absolute best. Some include Nick Vujicic, Eric Thomas, and Tony Robbins. They’re many podcasts to choose from so you can listen to great motivational speakers on the go. Another is Les Brown, a world-renowned motivational speaker. Brown’s main message is to “Be hungry.”; wanting to achieve your goals so bad, your persistence makes it happen. Couple this with going to a few forums or workshops. These can provide you with new ideas and some added drive to get work done.

It will be interesting: How To Stay Motivated!

Just Start

Getting Un-stuck

The quick not-so-quick fix. It really is easier said than done. However, the mere acknowledgment of fear’s role in putting us in that funky state, hindering us from taking on that new project, is a step in the right direction. Simply starting, no matter how bad or unorganized it is, pushing you past the hurdle, getting you back to your normal productivity levels. Share with us down below your way of getting out of a slump. I’m sure it’ll be of great help to many.

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