February is here, and so is everything this month brings along with it – snow storms, 20 something days, and of course the Hallmark holiday we all love, Valentine’s Day. Although this holiday is said to be made-up, created by marketing teams to generate retail activity, why not embrace an excuse to celebrate? If you are in a relationship, however new it might be, this holiday is a time to express yourself through gestures and gifts. If single however, it’s an opportunity to take it to the streets! Embrace your singledom and make it a point to socialize with other singles.
The official colour of this holiday is RED, which is an extremely powerful colour that actually sends emotional messages by just being. Red is attention grabbing, exciting, and energetic, while evoking emotions such as love, passion, and romance. Most of us understand the connection that the said holiday and red have, however you may not be privy to the subliminal messaging this colour actually emits. Through vast research, it has been found that when men wear red, women tend to be more attracted to them and find them to be more sexually desirable. Women also tend to view such men as being of higher status than others not donning the hue (Sally Augustin, Ph.D., http://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/people-places-and-things/201010/the-color-red). Whether attached or single, try incorporating some red this Valentine’s Day, and watch the women (or woman) flock.
Add a punch of RED with accessories and details:

1.(photo credit: source(http://pinterest.com/cici/))
2.(photo credit: source(http://pantonism.com/c/red)

3. (photo credit: source(http://torontomanblog.com/post/41454610208))
4. (photo credit: source(http://suited-lifestyle.tumblr.com/post/42118000156))

5. (photo credit: source )
6. (photo credit: source (http://www.thefancy.com/things/197563462644144737/Red-Wool-Felted-Lapel-Flower))
Keep the attention on you, and let me know how it goes – info@nextimageconsulting.com. Happy Valentine’s Day!