Survive Valentine’s Day

Being single on Valentine’s Day can feel like a challenge any time, but what if you’re fresh from a break up? Having your heart broken open and exposed with all that “love” in the air can make it feel like one of the most emotionally charged times of the year. With every corner you turn, a constant reminder that you’re not part of a couple anymore. Here are some ways you can begin to move on and survive Valentine’s Day.

Give Yourself Space To Heal

This means taking time out for you. Crying if you need to, getting out of bed, NOT calling your ex, taking things slow, and in general connecting with the fact that a part of your life has ended but it’s going to be ok. Looking towards the positive and realizing that it’s the breakups in our life that teach us the lessons we need to learn and eventually lead us to the partner that we’re ultimately meant to be with.


Forgive your ex. I know it can sound like a very tall order, but carrying around anger and resentment will only hurt you and prevent you from healing and moving forward. Don’t let the wounds of the past influence who you are now. Does this mean that in every situation, for example cheating, that you’re saying that what they did was ok? No, it doesn’t! What it does mean is that you’re letting the negative energy of the past go and allowing room for something better to come into your life.

Make The Day Something To Look Forward To

Survive Valentine’s Day

After a break up a change of scenery is definitely in order! Plan a Valentine weekend get away with your best girlfriends. Some fun ideas are a weekend ski trip, a wine tour or a spa retreat. If you can’t get away plan a night in with the girls, have a silly theme, PJ party or movie marathon, cook dinner, enjoy a few cocktails and each other’s company.

It will be interesting: To Drink Or Not Drink After A Breakup


Show Yourself Some Love and Rediscover Who You Are

A lot of people tend to lose or push themselves aside when they’re in a relationship. A break up is the perfect time to rediscover who you are and get to know yourself and your wants and needs better. Start following your dreams, have new experiences, go on that trip to Spain you’ve been dreaming of, take that painting class you never had time for.

Let yourself be broken wide open in a new way. A way that only following your happiness and being true to yourself can bring. Know that as time goes on you will heal, painful memories will fade and be replaced with happy ones and YES you will come out the other side stronger than ever.

I’d love to hear your best Valentine’s Day break up tips, leave me a comment below.

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