Many people who have had problems with dandruff (itchy, flaky scalp), experience their symptoms getting worse in the winter. The winter months are more damp and cold, thus creating more dampness and coldness in the body as well. Many people tend to eat heavier foods in the winter. Diet has a great impact on the health and circulation of the scalp. As a general rule, it is important to eat smaller meals which allow for complete digestion and elimination. This rule becomes even more important as we transition into the heart of the Spring season. The better you assimilate your food the less likely you are to have clogged channels which could then produce a dry, oily, itchy, flaky scalp as one result. Often times, dandruff is caused by yeast/fungus overgrowth in the body that is translating into this condition of the scalp as well. Any fungal condition is worsened in a damp climate. Damp conditions of the body are also encouraged by heavy foods in general. A specific protocol could address your precise dietary and lifestyle needs to better assist you in finding the cause of your scalp problems and curing the symptoms altogether. Below are some general guidelines and tips you may want to try:

Often times, dandruff is caused by yeast/fungus overgrowth in the body that is translating into this condition of the scalp as well. Any fungal condition is worsened in a damp climate. Damp conditions of the body are also encouraged by heavy foods in general. A specific protocol could address your precise dietary and lifestyle needs to better assist you in finding the cause of your scalp problems and curing the symptoms altogether. Below are some general guidelines and tips you may want to try:


Many different types of hair shampoos, oils and topical hair treatments can be created specifically for you during a session. A few general topical treatments that have worked well are as follows:

– Neem Shampoo: Neem is a herb that is anti-fungal, anti-biotic and antibacterial. This can dry the scalp so make sure to follow with a deep natural conditioner if you have a dry scalp.


– Doing a scalp oil massage with warm sesame oil once a week can be helpful, make sure to only apply oil to the scalp when on an empty stomach and when it is sunny outside (both these encourage increased digestive fire).

– My favorite anti-dandruff creation is one that was taught to me by a doctor in India. Make a creamy paste by putting 1 1/2 cups of organic buttermilk into a bowl and mix in 1 1/2 teaspoons of Haritaki powder. Apply to your scalp and wash out after 2 minutes.

Haritaki ‘Terminalia chebula’ is an Ayurvedic herb that is an anti-inflammatory, anti-viral, anti-bacterial antioxidant; great at helping with skin conditions because of its astringent nature. When mixed with buttermilk it not only helps to both nourish and cleanse the scalp but it feels great also! You can find the herb online or from a health care professional.



– Make sure to be careful to eat yeast and sugar FREE foods, especially when the weather is cloudy outside. These foods include baked goods, bread, beer and wine. Do an easy two-week detox if you have overindulged recently.

– Decrease your meat intake, increase your vegetable intake and eliminate all processed foods from your diet altogether.

– Remove chocolate and dairy from your diet. These have been shown to especially aggravate dandruff conditions.

– Add foods that contain B-Vitamins, Omega-3 fatty acids and zinc to your diet. Add these supplements to your lifestyle if deemed necessary by a professional. These above nutrients nourish the skin and hair, and zinc is actually found in many over-the-counter dandruff shampoos.

– Drink warm/hot purified water when thirsty to increase your digestive fire and circulation. Obstructed circulation to the scalp can also be a cause of your symptoms. Circulation is enhanced by warmth in all forms. Make sure to reduce your intake of raw foods and cold drinks.

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