Believe it or not, I do not only consider myself a fashion expert, but also a dating expert. Therefore, for this particular editorial, I have decided to let those two worlds collide. However, this type of advice is for those women whom are looking for something beyond the first date. If you are just seeking something casual, then my fashion advice for this specific situation will not be useful to you but then again, you can be the judge. Furthermore, I am sure there are a lot of exceptions to my advice and rules, but I am basing this upon personal experience, and what has worked in the majority of instances.
Let me begin by stating the obvious: men are visual creatures and most men would choose high heels, on a lady, over flats. Lets face it; most women walk, and feel differently when they put on their favorite pair of high-heels.
When getting dressed for your first date, you need to think about two things: atmosphere and balance.
Dress for the setting of your date, but also, try to elevate your look in some way.
For example, if you are going to the cinema during the fall or winter months, you could wear leggings, tall boots, an oversized sweater, leather jacket and cross-body purse or relaxed jeans, a blazer and a low cut top. With the first suggested outfit, the balance is this: focusing on your legs, while wearing tall boots to add an edge of sexiness. With the second suggested outfit, the balance is this: everything else is covered, while the focus is on the upper body. You can get away with cleavage because the rest of your outfit is muted and understated.
You also do not have to spend a lot of money to pull off these looks. For instance, Forever 21 is known for its affordability, while also remaining on trend. Here is a statistic for you: 30% of items, including jewelry, found in stores like Forever 21 mimic high-end brands.
I do not care what size you are; we all have a physical asset that we appreciate about ourselves. Therefore, accentuate that feature, and build your look for the date around it.
Show off your legs with a skirt or skinny jeans. With this particular piece and because it is bold and colorful, I would suggest you keep everything else simple. Pair it with tall boots, leggings, a long cardigan and no cleavage, please.

For those of you who want to be fully covered but still sensual, a collar-shirt screams, I’m naughty but nice. Definitely pair this with some skinny jeans or leggings and if you would like to add another layer, a blazer would look chic and sexy as well.

Finally, you can never go wrong with the classic little black dress. This is low cut, but still feminine and not desperate.

In case my examples were not clear, Iggy paints the picture perfectly. She is covered, yet enticing with a sheer top under this winter-white blazer.

Even if you are not sure about your date or what to expect, bring it. Use it as a time to experiment with your clothes and observe how your date reacts to your look. Confidence is an accessory that never goes out of style. If you feel good in what you are wearing, even if you think you are overdressed, go for it.