By: Laura Townsend
“Detox”, the dreaded word most associated with an intensely strict diet and supplement program that rids one’s body of all things bad. True. People also believe a detox or cleanse program is a quick fix to countless years of bodily abuse. False. Continuing back to your old habits and lifestyle, will “Retox” you in no time. Your everyday habits are what will make or break you. A few simple changes in your daily routine can help reduce the amount of toxins going into your body, ultimately minimizing the need for a detox.

Your body is exposed to millions of toxins, chemicals and pollutants every day. Everything you are exposed to externally will absorb through your body, circulate through internally and hopefully be eliminated. Over time the level of toxicity in your body builds up and health issues start to surface such as aches, pains, fatigue, brain fog, skin problems, headaches and digestive issues. There are external factors we cannot control such as air pollution, but there are the things we can control such as products we continually expose our body to on a daily basis. For most, daily “grooming” products appear to be the easiest place to start when switching to natural and organic. We want to stay looking eligible after all.

Conventional products including skin care and make up are loaded with synthetic ingredients, preservatives, fragrances and other harmful chemicals. I have seen a huge shift over the past few years with my clients growing interest in natural and organic products. People are becoming increasingly health conscious and are demanding cleaner, natural alternatives.
Here a few tips and tricks to get you started in the right direction.
1. Start small- Pick 1 or 2 conventional items you currently use such as lipstick or shampoo and switch to natural or organic. Personal body care products are a great platform to transition into other areas such as cleaning products and foods.
2. Use what you already have! Hesitant to invest in organic skin care? Organic coconut oil, avocado oil or olive oil is a great way to transition into natural products. Oils are multipurpose and great for hair, skin and nails.
3. Read labels! Minimal ingredients are key. Be conscious of parabens, fragrances, formaldehyde DEA, BHA…. the list goes on! Don’t forget to check for an expiry date. Here is a great resource from my favorite body butter company.
4. Shop local- Local skin care and make up businesses are more often than not founded by a health practitioner or specialist who has a true passion and solid knowledge of not only the body but the organic industry. They can easily be found at markets or specialty shops.
You are what you expose yourself to internally and externally and as I tell my clients, invest in your health and well-being now so you are not paying for it later.
A self proclaimed Lifestyle Renovator, Laura has helped hundreds of people establish long term healthy lifestyle and dietary habits. Her focus has been helping people “Detox their life”, educating clients on eco-friendly products that will reduce the toxic load going into their bodies helping them achieve optimal health and natural, radiant beauty. Visit her online at or