By: Marcos Mendosa

If you are like most male Magazine4You readers, you’ve read and studied many of the informative articles that have been provided since the magazine has been published.

If you are one of those dedicated readers that has taken into full consideration the excellent sources of information provided for you, then it’s possible you are probably already in a committed relationship with the woman of your dreams.

Now comes the real challenge.

You landed your dream girl and although you have utmost confidence in yourself and your contribution to your relationship, you still may have fears lingering in your subconscious mind because you know that your lady is the full package. What do you do to maintain a healthy attraction with your significant other?

Hold your own.

Young Couple in love

Your woman may have been attracted to you in the first place because of your charisma, your sense of humour, and your ability to hold a conversation. Your looks are important yes, but it’s not the key fundamental that created the attraction. Maybe it was for the first 10 minutes, but believe me when I say that good looks and no brains does not sustain a healthy attraction.

I suggest making a conscious effort to remind yourself of what qualities your lady finds most desirable in you. Your girlfriend or wife is hot! You know this, and guess what. So do others. This can potentially cause some major insecurities on your part. If you want to remain the sparkle in your girlfriends eye, you need to be the bright shining star that she so adamantly adores.

How do you do that?

1. Keep Being Your Best Self

Remain persistent with your efforts to be the better version of yourself. Excel in the workplace, exercise daily, venture into new opportunities, manage your money wisely, and master the art of listening to her!

2. Communicate Clearly

Relationships begin to undergo warning signs when one person in the relationship begins to develop insecurities. These insecurities can be avoided through loyal communication. Speak to your partner as if she is one of your best friends (after all, isn’t she?). Be open with her, share your thoughts, and subtly hint at things that concern you. Guess what? Of course you can express your concerns when discussing topics that make you feel less than her. That’s what she would hope of you.

She may earn more money than you do.

She may be involved in the entertainment industry and the lights, camera, action makes you jealous.

She may work closely with partners that are of the opposite sex. If these examples resonate with you, then yes, you should communicate these thoughts with her. BUT, not by using anger or aggression! That’s not attractive at all. It may slide at first, but if you continue to do it, she will catch on to your insecurities and give up on her attempts to help you remain the confident alpha male that she once grew to adore.

3. Catch & Release

I’ve saved the best for last. This point that I’m about to make is crucial to sustaining a healthy relationship with the woman of your dreams. Before I get into it, consider the idea that your partner has worked all of her life on self-development. It’s hard being a woman.

You can fuss and argue all you want on which sex has it more difficult, but in reality, a woman has it way harder than a man does. If you have any understanding of women, then you’ll know the factors to consider when comparing the two. She’s been at it all her life; remaining classy, carefree, and beautiful to her own beliefs. She knows the easy way to make money, but chooses the longer more difficult path so that she can reach a milestone in her life and tell herself that she earned her successes. She thinks like a lady, but acts like a boss, and with all that said what do girls really want? Well, they just want to have fun! (insert Cindy Lauper chorus here).


Drop the routines…catch yourself being a man that treats his relationship like a routine, and release yourself of those habits immediately!

A woman despises routine. She can’t stand knowing that the magic in the relationship has become stagnant because you used up all your brilliant ideas when the relationship was fresh, new, and exciting. Sorry to break it to you, but you’re going to have to stuff your “bag of tricks” wisely and conserve, conserve, conserve. Be creative! Think outside of the box! Keep her calmly thrilled as much as you can.

The world is full of ideas.

Learn to pay attention to what’s going on around the two of you and incorporate your curiosities with enough initiative to keep her anticipating your next “woo”. It’s refreshing for her to know that you have the drive to keep her anticipating your next move. Life gets really challenging, and it can distract the both of you from enjoying each others company. Catch yourself getting caught up with life’s problems, and release yourself from anything that will take your mind off of your relationship’s well-being.

Marcos Mendosa is a creative source of inspiration well equipped to contribute his various talents to the current wave of conscious self-development that has swept through modern day culture.  He has been known for his skills as a Public Speaker that fuses Music with Motivational Speaking at his acclaimed “Performance Seminars”.  As a Certified Life Coach, Relationship Coach, Writer, Author, and Lyricist, Marcos has used various forms of expression to help guide people to reach their Maximum Potential, by realizing the power that lies within recognizing the qualities that can lead a person to become the better version of themselves.  Through the brand “YourBestSelf”, Marcos Mendosa has created various programs such as YourBSFM, YourBSTV, and MaxPo Inc – a self-development seminar and workshop program developed to help the youth realize their potential.  Marcos currently resides in Toronto, Canada.

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Mimi

    Yes, yes and yes! Great pointers 🙂

  2. Lucy

    It’s very true… to be your best self and also this appreciation for women you speak of can do wonders… makes a woman feel loved and also be her best self for her man too ! Must read for all guys… and guys… sometimes fun comes in the simplest of ways.. just like Marcos said.. be creative! it’s not what money can buy.. it’s what it can’t. Especially since most women are very independent. Great article.

  3. Melissa

    Great advice! Girls just wanna have fun… With their boo. Very good flow Marcos 🙂

  4. Elaine

    Great article great read!

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