Last Thursday night CutiePie Cupcakes & Co celebrated the launch of their new website in the most delicious way they could think of – complimentary specialty treats – and many of them! The event was hosted by Citizen restaurant in Toronto as media and VIP’s were invited to temp their taste buds and join the celebration.

Cupcakes have changed though. Cupcakes aren’t your mother’s flour based, icing sugar topped treat any more. They’ve evolved into complex creations of goodness that not many moms could even conceive of. And, no one has helped that evolution in Toronto more than treat-trender Melanie Abdilla.

CutiePie Cupcakes Sweeten Up Toronto With The Launch Of A New Website

Melanie founded CutiePie Cupcakes & Co in 2009 aiming to bake the highest quality cupcakes possible. Not only has she accomplished that goal, but she continues to wow dessert lovers with new specialties like “WhoopiePies”. And what are WhoopiePies? I asked Melanie to explain: “A WhoopiePie is made with all the same love as our cupcakes and cakes (buttercream and toppings that are sandwiched between two pieces of rich delicious cake) and  served in fun handheld cake sandwiches.”



With the launch of her new website Melanie can conveniently offer her enticing range of deserts to sweet-toothed customers in Cutieboxes, Party Packages (Gluten-Free available), with custom options, catering and even a Cupcake Club.

“The new website ( has been a couple years in the making and to create it we brought together some of Toronto’s most talented people to help really bring my ideas to life in a way that I can share them with cake lovers. The site has only been live just over a week and the response has been phenomenal. We are unlike any other company and people recognize this. I feel grateful” said Melanie.



Melanie is also passionate about the opportunity to fund raise for Princess Margaret Cancer Foundation by encouraging companies to become what she terms as “Happiness Ambassadors”. Happiness Ambassadors will have the opportunity to take pre-orders for boxes of CutiePies and have them delivered right to their workplace at no extra charge. Even sweeter is that a portion of all the cupcake sales will be donated to the Princess Margaret Cancer Foundation.

My goal is to get every office to participate. We can raise so much money and our pretty pink boxes and tasty adorable cupcakes really raise office moral.” Read more about becoming a Happiness Ambassador here.

I caught up with Melanie at the event and asked her about putting this milestone event together.

“I love the idea of cakes, parties and indulging and my goal for this party was to bring the components of the website to life for our guests to experience and enjoy in the flesh. Our guests got to meet all our packages and products and get up lose and personal with them. The Cupcake Genie Bar, Cake Cutting station and cupcakes and WhoopiePies galore really were the breaking point and manifestation of all the energy that we put into it all. My fabulous sponsors and the incredibly talented magician Ivan Bekcic were just the icing on the cake to throw the best party ever!” 






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