Take these ideas back to the bedroom to get your sexual mojo running.
Leave the lights on
Many people have sex in the dark. Not that there is anything wrong with that, but you are missing out on one of the biggest types of stimulation: visual. While guys may not have that much of a problem with leaving the lights on, women often tend to want to hide their bodies, as they feel insecure, and then can’t get out of their head and enjoy sex.
To overcome this, make sure you compliment the way your lady looks. Tell her all the things about her physically that turn you on and how you love watching her when you have sex together. You can even buy her some sexy lingerie (something that is flattering and that she chooses) that makes her feel sexier and not feel so naked.
And, choosing soft lighting is much more flattering that glaring light, so try candles or flameless tea lights all around the room to give it a soft sexy glow.
Keep your bedroom just for sleeping and sex
This is an important sex tip given by many sexologists on how to spice up your love life in the bedroom.
Why is this important? For several reasons.
Having exercise equipment, paperwork, or dirty dishes, or other things in the bedroom can be distracting during sex. You are both hot and heavy and getting it on, then she sees that heap of dirty clothes in the corner and starts to think about all the chores she has to do instead of sex. Ugh! Not so sexy.
There are several studies that show having technological devices in the bedroom (cell phones, laptops and TVs) can inhibit sex as well, including decreasing sperm count and health, and multi-tasking that leads to anxiety so you can’t relax for sleep or sex. One study by Italiam sexologist, Serenella Salomoni, shows that couples who have TVs in their bedroom have sex half as much as those who don’t.
So ditch the TV, electronics and all other distractions and make your bedroom and sanctuary just for love making and sleepy time.
Aphrodisiacs have been around for centuries and used by humans to rev up their sex life. While some say there isn’t any evidence that aphrodisiacs work, there are scientific studies that give proof that they do.
An aphrodisiac is a food, drink, or drug that stimulates sexual desire. Some aphrodisiacs like oysters contain rare amino acids that increased the production of testosterone in males and progesterone in females. Chocolate is well known to elevate the feel-good hormone dopamine, which also elevates feelings of pleasure. Watermelons produce arginine in the system, which in turn boosts nitric oxide, which relaxes blood vessels and improves circulation, aiding in erectile dysfunction. Many other foods such as pomegranates and strawberries also improve blood flow, while pine nuts and other foods with high levels of zinc (seafood, meat, eggs) help to improve sexual function.
So try out some sexy aphrodisiac finger foods before sex and boost your libido. And, if you want to find out more on how to become a “Sexual Adonis” in the bedroom, you’ll want to watch this video right away!
Use wine to unwind
Red wine could also be considered an aphrodisiac. A team of Italian researchers found that some of the compounds in red wine actually increase blood flow to her genitals thus boosting her levels of desire, lubrication, and overall sexual function. In men, red wine is said to elevate testosterone which increases his sexual appetite.
How much should you consume? Researchers say between 1-2 glasses of wine should do the trick. Any more than that could have the opposite effect and reduces sexual desire. In men, this can also cause erectile dysfunction as well, so moderation is the key.
Morning sex
Yeah, for morning sex!
Experts say that the morning is the best time of day to have sex. Studies show that a man’s testosterone levels accumulate all night, so in the morning they are at its peak. That’s why guys wake up with “morning wood”, so take advantage of that time, before the hormones level out again. More testosterone also means guys can last longer and longer sex means better orgasms for you and her. Plus, you are both well rested from a good night’s sleep which gives you more stamina for great sex.
Morning sex? Why not!
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Article By Gabrielle Moore
Gabrielle Moore helps couples around the world improve their sex lives. She communicates daily with her more than 300,000 subscribers. Gabrielle is the author of several best-selling books, such as “The Female Orgasm Revealed“, “Turn Her On Faster“, “Hot Licks“, and many others.