Communication is key to any relationship, without it, a relationship cannot last. The problem is everyone knows how to talk but not a lot of people know how to properly communicate. We allow ourselves to shut down when it comes to talking about real issues or expressing how we truly feel which in turn causes relationships to fail.
Social media and technology have a huge impact on communication. We are constantly glued to our phones, constantly connected to each other through technology that people have lost the ability to express themselves face to face. Couples can hang out for hours but then wait until they go there separate ways to text each other if something was bothering them, or if something important happened.
We have allowed ourselves to be closed off from our loved one on a personal level due to our addiction to technology. If couples are in a fight they will archive each other’s pictures on Instagram, block one another on social media, etc. Anything except for dealing with the issues in a civil and mature way. It will be interesting: Cuffing Season: Are you ready?
The problem is not just lacking the ability to truly communicate but lacking the drive to want to. Why go talk to someone in person when you can send a text? Why tell someone why you’re mad when you can just unfollow them? Why tell someone you love them when you can put their initials in your bio? We all go for the easy out, the action that takes the least amount of thought or communication. The problem with that is it doesn’t show you truly care.
People need to stop hiding behind their screens and tell someone how they truly feel. We live in a society of cowards who are to scared to go up to someone in the club and ask them to dance, or ask someone on a date, or tell someone that they care about them. All we do is stalk their social media or latest post and double tap or comment to show that we “care”.
Communciation is something that we should be getting better at over time yet it seems like it is something that is slowly dying day by day. Put the phone down for one second and truly communicate with someone, that might help you save a relationship you didnt even know needed saving.