Can you rest easy buying a mattress from a box?
This is a question that is on a lot of consumers’ minds, especially in a day and age where people just don’t seem to have the time to go mattress shopping in person. So, I decided to get to the bottom of this question.
When I was younger, I remember going to mattress stores and laying on every single bed. One was too firm, one was too soft, and eventually one was just right. However, it could take hours to find a perfect mattress, while companies like Endy, Leesa, and Casper are reducing that search and purchase down to minutes.
As someone who has conformed to the always on-the-go lifestyle we seem to live in in this day and age, I must say the online direct-to-consumer idea was pretty intriguing for me. However, bed time is one of my favourite times of the day and I wanted to make sure my mattress was making sure I was having the sweetest of dreams.
In order to make sure an online, direct to my door mattress wasn’t going to disappoint me, I started doing some research.
As it turns out, online mattress shopping has gained some major popularity recently. In fact, in the last year sales doubled, with 12% of the market turning to online purchases. Why is this the case? Well after some more research, I found out shopping for a mattress online turns out to be about 15% cheaper than in the store. Many of the websites offer free shipping, and easy returns in case you aren’t satisfied, and with companies like Casper and Endy, they offer a 90 day free trial. I also read from many consumers that they were beyond satisfied with their online purchase. With all this information I was ready to take the plunge.
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After looking into all my options, my heart was set on the Casper Wave Mattress. It is the newest version of the Casper Mattress and truly offers all the bells and whistles. Everything from advanced support with the new ergonomic system to not just one but five layers of premium foam. With the simple click of a button a new mattress was on its way to my house.

Two weeks later there it was on my doorstep. I didn’t have to go into a store, deal with a pushy salesperson, work on my negotiation skills. It was just there. But, would it be comfortable?
I unloaded the mattress and watched it unravel and puff up right before my eyes. the layers of foam building one on top of each other. I let it sit for about an hour and with sweaty palms worried about how I would get it back in the box if I didn’t like it, I slowly laid down, and the minute I hit the mattress I didn’t want to get back up.
I can honestly say it was by far the most comfortable mattress that I have slept on. Despite never trying it out, it just seemed to fit my body perfectly.

I have now been sleeping on the mattress for three months and I can say I have never been happier. Back problems that I used to have are a thing of the past because of the advanced support and I don’t get anymore night sweats because of the temperature regulations that fight humidity.
So at least with my experience, yes you can rest easy buying your mattress in a box and don’t see myself going into count sheep on a store mattress ever again.