Being Responsible Is Your Source of Power.
If my boss wasn’t so demanding I would be able to do my job better and meet my deadlines.
If my partner would just be on time for our dates then we wouldn’t fight as much.
Sound familiar? You are playing the blame game!
Authenticity is being connected to our original essence and who we were born to be, way before life had its way with us. At Helix we are given the tools to tune into our authentic voices. This leads us to be brave and bold and take full responsibility for our own lives. To ultimately live without laying blame when things aren’t the way we want them to be.
Most of us have experienced situations, in our early years that have caused feelings of shame. Further to that maybe you did not feel good enough then and it resulted in believing that you failed somehow? Maybe if you were a good boy your parents would not have gotten divorced? Maybe if you were more likeable you would not have been bullied? These feeling of shame cause us to build walls…these walls are called blame… we use this to further distance ourselves from those too familiar yet uncomfortable feelings. It becomes such a habit we don’t even realize we are doing it.
I have had my own personal experiences with this and through the work I am committed to at Helix I have realized in order to be at the source of my own power I have to take full responsibility for the circumstances in my life and for the events that led up to them.
To create your life. To choose not to be a victim. To feel empowered. To take responsibility. To drop the defence line and to work towards a brighter free future.
Here are a few winning suggestions to ditch the blame game.
- Notice it. – Try to catch yourself when you’re not taking responsibility.
- Own it. – Put aside any instinct you have to blame and take responsibility for the breakdown, or anything that you’re not satisfied with.
- Seek to understand. – Talk with others and ask questions as to how the circumstances got the way they are.
- How could you have been different? – Take a good look at other choices you could have made for a situation in your life to have gone the way you wanted it to.
- Share with others – Transformation happens in relation to others, so share with them what you’ve discovered for yourself.
At the root of how we are in the present are the hardwired experiences of our past. Our brains experience things and create programming that have us avoid how we’ve felt in the past. Fear, avoidance of shame and uncertainty are all symptoms of how our neurological pathways re-direct us toward some other behaviour. Blame and avoidance of responsibility are systemic ways we avoid the grief of what the past has meant to us.
At Helix Conscious Men’s Programs we work together.

In our programs we’ll explore the source of your blame and uncover any grief you have which led to your mainframe being built the way that it is. Grief is the key to the dismantling of old ways of being that will give birth to greater self-awareness and consciousness. It is empowering to be responsible for your life. You are the source of how it all plays out. You have the power.