Bobby Sue’s

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Comfort food can really reflect how you feel especially if you’re slowly making your way into the colder season (we call winter!). I’ve got the perfect hideaway for you and your special date this week. Make your way to the heart of Ossington and Dundas in Toronto and find your way to Bobbie Sue’s Mac & Cheese house. This space is tiny in indeed but it will fill your tummies with pure delight.

There are many cheesy filled options, meaty options and don’t worry we didn’t forget vegan options. So, take a stroll through Trinity Bellwoods Park and make your way to the ultimate comfort food. Just a warning it is super cheesy! But you have been warned. Open until Midnight on most days, you can be sure to squeeze some Bobbie Sue into your life.

Calii Love

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Do you thrive on wholesome goodness? Are you thrilled by the sight of coffee? We have found two happy mediums that might just change your life. It’s called Calii Love and they are known for smoothie bowls and many other bowls of deliciousness. Perfect to enjoy while you are hanging out in downtown Toronto during the hustle and bustle of the city daylight.

If you want more than just a smoothie bowl be sure to stick around for Yoga evenings starting November 15th. For only $10 cash at the door you can be filled with hands-on experience and enhancements to your life.

We promise you it is also the perfect spot for an Instagram photo, so be sure to impress and feel good all in one day.

Nightmare on Dundas

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If you’re a student this night of movie terror will only cost you $8, but we didn’t forget about the rest of you. Public price is $12 and $10 for AGO members, for all those interested in being terrified on a chilly October night. So grab a group of friends and head to Dundas Street West at Jackman Hall (AGO). We assure you, you will be jumping out of your seats. Happy Halloween, stay safe my friends!



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