Q: Hey, Ward. I travel all the time for work. Sometimes I fly in, go to meetings, and fly home in one day.  What’s a good way to look good and still travel all the time without ruining my clothes?

David, Mississauga

A: I have the same problem. I travel all the time, by plane, train, or automobile. The secret isn’t just finding clothes that look good, but clothes that feel good and travel well. Luckily, jet setters like yourself aren’t uncommon these days, so there are options. Strellson makes a suit that is part of their new Travel Collection. It’s made from highly-twisted yarn that has a very noticeable lightness, so you won’t feel stuffed into it as you’re stuffed into those tiny airplane seats. The non-crease material will keep you from getting it wrinkled (always a plus for business meetings) and it’s even water-repellent. Inside the jacket are safety pockets, which keep everything from your passport to your extra cash secure and hidden away.

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This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Brett Muraki

    Hey Ward, first a little background: for the past year and a half I have been an avid listener of you and Al on your Sirius show. As a fellow Canadian and a silent member of your trucker army I often find myself thinking of how, (and how im dressed) while I spend my time at home. As you are well aware of a truckers life im sure you can appreciate the desire to change it up on the “weekend”. Maybe take a step towards the bold or even a leap. With that in mind I have to say I am also a super dad when I am home to my daughter of 3yrs, a son of 15mo and another on the way with my wife.
    so I guess I should get to the point… what are your thoughts for me and my situation on the following.
    Recently I have found a clothing company called ‘Five Four’. Being a man of Sharp fashion I’m sure you have heard of them but if not here’s their frame work. For a subscription fee you can pick your style parameters and they will send you their most in fashion outfits. I believe it was 3 outfits per month. Is this something I should consider?
    Thanks for your time and I’ll hear you Monday on my way to Iowa.

    1. Ward Anderson

      Hey, Brett…
      Great to read from you. Thanks for reading and for listening to “Ward & Al” on SiriusXM.
      I absolutely like the idea behind “Five Four”. That is, of course, if you’re pretty easy to fit size-wise. For guys who have unusual size issues (Long or short arms, stubby or very long legs, etc) these kind of services can be a let-down. But if you typically fit off-the-rack in most stores, I say give it a try. The $60 price is of course the attractive part. I think it’s for three pieces, however, and not three outfits. Still a great deal, really.
      Also, being a trucker, get on the mailing lists for the outlet malls all across North America. You can probably get an additional 10% discount for being a trucker or CAA member. There are often sales at stores like Banana Republic Factory Outlet where you’ll find some great business casual clothes and comfortable (yet stylish) clothes for the road.
      Thanks for the note,

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