Valentine’s Day is long gone and sadly it has become the spotlight on romance, sex and all things love.  We tend to put all our effort in upping our game once a year, but what about the other 364 days?  A healthy relationship survives and grows when a couple embraces open communication, intimacy, creativity and fun.  Instead of waiting for the big glittery red letter day to show off your skills, surprise your partner by rocking their world with one or all of these seven ideas to bring the sexy back into your bedroom, or living room or kitchen. Wherever the feeling takes you.

Before you continue reading, an open mind is a must. Give yourself permission to be intimate with your partner in a way that may be new, exciting, safe and fun.


Before you shy away or click the little x button to close the page, just wait.  Sex toys are not bad, or dirty or scary. In fact, they are unique, interesting and a lot more common than you may realize. The hard part may be which one to start with, as there are so many of them on the market.  You need to know one thing, what pleases you and what pleases your partner.  From there you can start to research what toy or toys will be best suited for your days and nights of pleasure. A great website to start is


enhance your sex life

Sex every other Saturday at 8:25 p.m. with the lights off, under the covers, two positions, and complete, is boring and more than likely, unsatisfying to at least one of you. When you are feeling the need to be intimate with your partner, start the seduction. While is may seem like a sex enhancement commercial, the idea is spot on.  It may be when they are scrubbing the bathtub, or taking a shower or reading a book. A soft touch, a warm massage or caressing their feet has the power to quickly take the afternoon into a different direction.

Role Play

Picture this, you are sitting at a bar and notice a handsome stranger sitting at the other end. You look at him. He looks at you. The glances between the both of you are electric. The bartender sets down a gin and tonic in front of you.  He says it’s a gift from the guy at the end of the bar.  You smile and take a sip. You know he is staring at you.  The rest of the night is up to the both of you.  Where will your role-play take you?

It will be interesting: 8 Orgasmic Foods To Enhance Your Sex Life


enhance your sex life

This step requires open and honest communication.  Do not act in a way that violates any of your sense of self.  This is about exploring what feels good between the both of you.  It is about trying different positions, or using lotions, or maybe even blindfolding. Knowing that you are safe and loved is the only way that this will work.


Humans are creatures of habit.  We like to stick to the same routine.  It is when we break out from our mould that we truly grow. Beds are great.  But so are sofas, the kitchen table, the floor, the car, the garage, the backyard (provided you have privacy), the hot tub, the pool, a hotel or a beach.  The possibilities are endless.  A simple location change has the amazing ability to help you both reach satisfaction with a different method.

Dress Up

enhance your sex life

Dressing up is not just for Halloween.  If you want to heat things up with your partner, don a Firefighter outfit, or a Cowboy, or a Nurse, or a Maid costume. While it may seem cliché at first, when you dress up as someone else, you unconsciously allow your inhibitions dissolve. This is about having fun, while exploring your bliss.

It will be interesting: A Healthy Body Leads To Better Sex

Helping Out – The Secret Weapon

If you want to bring the heat back into your relationship, start taking on the chores of your mate.  Without being asked, do the dishes, or the laundry, or take the car in to get serviced.  Buy a gas gift card for no reason. It is the little things that have the deepest meaning.  By showing your partner that you know what they do, and that you appreciate it, you will score points.

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