Are you in a relationship? Is it not as exciting as it was in the beginning? Could it be better? The answer is in the organic section of your local grocery store. Trust me. Next time you are browsing the aisles, target five new items, which you can blend in less than five minutes to boost your performance in the bedroom.

Did you know that decreased libido, low testosterone and poor sexual performance are common concerns in many relationships? There are a number of underlying reasons for sexual dysfunction which should be addressed and treated as soon as possible. Your body is constantly communicating with you through symptoms – which are often not the problem but simply indicators to a deeper, underlying issue such as hormonal imbalance, lack of sleep, inadequate stress coping mechanisms or nutritional deficiencies. Given that your Naturopathic Doctor rules out a serious cause, try these foods to enhance your intimacy. I have seen many couples improve their sexual relationships by improving their lifestyle and choosing these libido enhancing foods.

This is a great dessert for that lovely romantic dinner that is on your mind. It can increase your stamina, endurance and sexual pleasure.

1 square – Dark Chocolate with Maca: Increases desire, increases testosterone and boosts sexual performance.

½ tablespoon – Organic Cocoa: High in magnesium, a vasodilator, therefore increases blood flow to the sexual organs – it also makes you hot.

1 Organic Avocado: High in good fats to keep you stronger, longer. This rich source of omega-3 fatty acids will give you the energy and stamina that you need to perform for your partner. Avocados are also high in B6, which is known to increase male hormone production.

1 cup of Organic Coconut Milk: Promotes thermogenesis, burns calories and speeds up your metabolism to help you lose weight. It is also my favourite aphrodisiac.

1 ½ tablespoon of Honey: Another aphrodisiac, this energy booster will make you happier and in the mood for love.

Directions: Blend cocoa, avocado, coconut milk and honey in a food processor for 1 minute. Serve in a martini glass with one square of dark chocolate with maca on top and enjoy with your partner!

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