Lipstick. Its fun; its juicy; its evocative and it can make or break your  makeup look.

And why do we wear it?

Have you ever heard the expression that women dress for other women? We pick the most fashionable shoes of the season, we meticulously plan our outfits, and then we select makeup and looks that will make us look our best all in the name of fun (of course) and social status to some extent.

So while dressing for other women may hold true to some degree, I thought it would be interesting to get the opinion of our opposite sex counterparts, in regards to this month’s topic: Lipstick.  After all, they are the ones who receive all the kisses in the end!

I asked 20 city living heterosexual men, between the ages of 25 & ­40, 10 of which are married, 10 of which are single, what they thought of lipstick and what colour they preferred to see on their wives/date.

These were my findings:

  • The majority of the men I asked, said they preferred a neutral lip colour.
  • The remaining portion preferred a bright red lip.
  • To a lesser degree, but worth mentioning, some men also fear the “lipstick attack” on their face and markings all over. While they do want our kisses, they don’t want to wear it all night, as we do!

So instead, of giving our guy a hard time next time he tries to dodge our freshly painted lips, lets try to see things from his perspective.

Here are a few tips that can bring us the best of both worlds:

Do: Opt for a flavoured lip gloss next time you go on a date. You will taste delicious and will also give you a more natural, fresh, and not too overdone look.

Do: Try a lip stain as an option. Lip stains are great because you can apply them before you leave the house, and they will usually last for hours. You will not have to worry about losing colour or leaving your mark on your man. Great for performers and brides!

Do: Use a tinted (natural) moisturizer instead of grocery­ store chapsticks. Chapsticks are loaded with all kinds of chemicals and usually have addictive properties. You may spend a little more, but considering how delicate our lips are, it is worth it. Look for products that are considered “treatments” with SPF and natural ingredients.

Do: If you must use your lipstick, try using the finger­ stain technique instead of layering 3 coats of lipstick, as it can look thick. Simply dab your favourite colour on your finger and apply on to your lips for a coloured and stained, not­ too overdone look.

Do: Give yourself a nice coconut oil treatment on your lips once in a while. As noted in a previous article, coconut oil has many healing and regenerating properties, crucial for lips, especially in cold winters.

Do: Ask your hubby or date what lipstick colour he prefers for fun one day. Why not appeal to his preferences on your next hot date and ensure that you seal that kiss?!


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