


  1. the state of being happy.
  2. good fortune; pleasure; contentment; joy.

But what creates happiness?  We know what it means but yet we find ourselves continuously searching for it!  One of the biggest mistakes is looking for happiness in the wrong places. We look to get it from other people, but we actually need to create happiness within ourselves first.  

We think the grass is greener on the other side but yet never take the time to water our own grass!  Really take the time to pull the weeds, fertilize and do some landscaping!  We jump ship continuously, thinking going from one bad situation to another will make us happy.  But what really happens is we are just unhappy in every place we go!

Why? Because we don’t take the time to focus on the small yet most impactful ways to be happy!

Life is a work in progress; we are a work in progress.  Happiness truly comes from within and we can’t be happy in any situation or truly love others until we are happy with ourselves.  

Here are 10 simple yet truly life changing keys to happiness:

Don’t sweat the small stuff!

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Sometimes we worry so much about all the little things that we forget about all the great things.  Our biggest stressors are the things we have no control over and what we can’t change.  We can’t avoid feeling a certain way but we can control the level to which it affects us. Remember, you are no good to anyone including yourself if you are worried about all the things you can’t control. You end up being less than healthy, physically and mentally.

Aim high, dream big but be realistic!  

I am very big on dreaming big and setting goals but at the same time you need to be realistic. Meaning the time frame, and the obstacles.  For every dream, there will be obstacles.  Be aware of those before starting out and devise a plan on how you can overcome them before you start.  This way you avoid unnecessary stressors.  There will be some unforeseen problems but at least you have the others under control!  Don’t be surprised either if you don’t reach a goal in a week!  Be realistic in the time frame!  All good things take time!

Help others!  

There is no better feeling in the world than helping others! Become a volunteer with your favorite cause! If time is an issue, do yourself a favor and every day help people in your life without wanting something back. It truly is rewarding and makes you feel very different about yourself and the world you live in!  We are surrounded by terrible things going on in the world! “Be the good you want to see in the world” – Gandhi

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Surround yourself with happy people and situations!  

We feel bad if we have to get rid of  friends who can be Negative Nancy’s and Downer Don’s, so we just put up with the negativity.  Next thing you know you become negative and a downer.  As much as it is hard to let go, sometimes it is the best thing for you and them.  Hopefully, they see where they need to change and follow in your happy footsteps!  Being surround by people who are positive and happy is contagious!  Get rid of situations that cause you extreme stress and unhappiness.  We are not going to love everything 100% every day all day, but we shouldn’t be unhappy with people or things all day every day either.  Feeling miserable every day over someone or something is a sure sign you need to kick the negativity to the curb!

See your obstacles as stepping stones to something better!  

If life was free of obstacles we wouldn’t appreciate all the good things in our lives!  Instead of thinking “why me” or “here we go again” Think of that obstacle as a learning tool.  Use them as stepping stones to your success.  You now know what not to do which is a great thing!  You also learn a lot about yourself, your business and others.  

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Live healthy!

This is something that a lot of people battle with!  They become inactive and start eating poorly. This creates a sense of dislike in yourself and how you feel. BUT the problem is, the more you treat yourself poorly then more you will treat yourself poorly!  Sugars, processed foods, and overeating cause certain hormonal responses.  These responses can give you a feeling of unhappiness.  Being active has a positive hormonal response.  This in turn will make you feel amazing and that will help you with other aspects of your day!  Try working out in the morning or on your lunch break!

Don’t compare yourself to others!

This is such a tough thing to avoid.  We constantly compare ourselves to others without even knowing we are doing it.  We create competition when there shouldn’t be. We also think less of ourselves but in reality, we possess amazing qualities that they don’t have.  Be inspired by others but don’t try and be them. Be the best version of you and I can guarantee they will look at you as inspiration!  Don’t be amazing like them be amazing like you!

Make no excuses!

An excuse is really just an obstacle and as mentioned, they can be something that helps us succeed. Once you use an obstacle as an excuse it becomes something you can hide behind.  Something that gives you reason to not do something or to fail.  It is admirable to admit you made a mistake and that next time you will approach things differently.  It takes courage to admit you didn’t accomplish something that you set out to do but will next time! Both these qualities are part of internal happiness.  Taking ownership and learning from your experiences helps create a much more positive atmosphere.

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Be grateful for what you have!  

I think it is human nature to focus on the things that are going wrong or that we don’t like.  But what this does is creates stress and dislike of your life. Appreciating all the amazing things you DO have is key to happiness.  We can aim to get more, aim to add to our lives but don’t forget things you have now that make you who you are.  Your family, friends, your health etc.  These things we take for granted are essential to a happy life!  Show gratitude daily.

Love yourself!  

This one I left for last because it’s hard to do the above tips if you don’t love and respect yourself.  We need to first look within and realize our greatness and our potential.  Never forget the amazing traits you bring to the table! By loving who you are and recognizing what needs to be worked on, you develop a positive aura that is contagious.  Never mind taking others for granted, we take ourselves for granted. We sometimes only see the bad qualities. We sometimes don’t have as much confidence in who we are and what we have to offer.  We all possess traits that can rock the world!  Be aware of your amazingness and use that to shine!  Be who you are, not what you think you should be, to make others happy!  That will only make you unhappy and most times what you think others want you to be ISN’T really what they want.  Self-love is crucial to a healthy you and for healthy relationships with others. Remember, you are unique and have incredible potential for anything you put your mind to.  

“The most important thing is to enjoy your life, to be happy; it’s all that matters.”

-Audrey Hepburn

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