Remember the first time you watched The Notebook and fell totally in love with Ryan Gosling’s character Noah? Or watched a romantic comedy like Clueless and fell in love with Cher and Josh’s relationship? Well, rewind! Finding love is NOTHING like in the movies! I’m not saying that everything you see in romantic movies are fake, all I’m saying is most of what happens is very unlikely to happen in real life. Here are 7 ways movie relationships are different from real-life relationships.

1. Forget About Everything That Nicholas Sparks Has Taught You

Everybody loves a good Nicholas Sparks movie. In fact, all of his movies are based off his novels. They’re great, and you fall in love with (almost) every single character, but is anything in these stories actually factual? Nope! Half of the time the things that happen in Nicholas Sparks’ stories are completely made up and probably won’t ever happen in real life. Think you’ll completely change someone’s life around like Landon and Jamie in A Walk To Remember? Maybe. Will you find your true love years later and win her back from her current fiancé like in The Notebook? Probably not. Unless you’re like Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth who met and fell in love on set of The Last Song, odds are your love life will be nothing like a Nicholas Sparks movie. It’s sad to think of that, but don’t worry, that doesn’t mean your love life won’t strive!

real life vs movies

2. If You Hate Each Other At First, Odds Are Nothing Will Change

Ah yes, in almost every romantic comedy to date, the girl falls for the jerk or vice versa. This is something that has a chance of happening in real life, but let’s be honest, when have you ever thought a guy making fun of you is “romantic”? If he acts like an asshole, and talks like an asshole, I’m pretty sure you’re not going to think to yourself “aww I’m sure he’s a sweet and sensitive guy deep down”. Yeah, nope! You’re going to roll your eyes at him and walk away if you’re smart. We don’t want to end up like Laney in She’s All That.

3. Nobody Freaks Out Over A Call Back

real life vs movies

You know the drill when someone gives you their number. You either call back or throw it away. And if you give someone your number, depending on their response to it, you usually know the outcome already. But no, in the movies two people could meet and really hit it off, then one gives the other their number, and they go home and absolutely freak out wondering whether or not they will receive a call, or if they should call.

Ladies, if you liked the guy, call him back, if you didn’t throw it away I’m sure he won’t mind. And even better, in this day and age sending a text to someone is even better than a phone call, some people don’t even call anymore!

It will be interesting: Fresh Starts

4. Guy’s Hardly Ever Notice When You Change Up Your Look

real life vs movies

You know those scenes in romantic movies where the girl gets a massive makeover and she walks into a room in slow-motion and everybody is in complete awe? Well, that does not happen in real life! You know that scene in She’s All That when Laney walks down the stairs and Kiss Me plays? Romantic, but does it happen? No. Sandra Bullock got a big makeover in Miss Congeniality, so did Audrey Hepburn in My Fair Lady, but do men really leave a big reaction? Nope! I’m sure there are times when you have completely changed the colour of your hair and your significant other just double looked you and said, “oh you changed your hair? Nice, looks good!”. And that’s about it! Of course, there’s the “you’re so beautiful” compliment, but really? We are all waiting for that big moment where our man will react like the guys in the movies. But after all, do we really need a man’s opinion?

5. A Well Planned Apology Doesn’t Fix Everything

If your man does something completely terrible that totally pisses you off, are you going to forgive him after he apologizes? Maybe a little, but completely? In the movies the girl is ALWAYS forgiving the guy because he went through all this trouble to come up with the perfect apology. Yea, that flash mob in Friends with Benefits was amazing, but c’mon, you need to set some boundaries before you forgive the guy completely. I’m not saying that a well put together apology doesn’t count for anything, because at least there was some thought put into it! But in real life, those big extravagant apologies are rare to come along!

6. Not Every Romantic Moment Happens In The Rain

real life vs movies

Point blank. It’s obvious. In the movies, the big kiss happens in the rain. The big apology happens in the rain. The moment they realize their love for each other, it happens in the rain. It all happens in the rain! There’s a bit of pathetic fallacy going on there. In real life, the only romantic thing that’s happening in the rain is running for shelter together bunched up underneath a broken umbrella. Also, no-body looks THAT good in the pouring rain, cough-cough Rachel McAdams…

7. You Can’t Always Steal The Guy From The Popular Girl

In so many movies the underdog is in love with the most popular guy in school, and most of the time he’s already dating the most popular girl in school. You know those ones, the head cheerleader, and the quarter-back. By the end of the movie, the underdog has taken the head cheerleaders title as “the popular girl”, as well her man. A little bit Mean Girls; Cady takes on Regina to get Aaron. It always works out in the end for these girls. But all my real life friends here, I’m sorry but the odds of that happening are steep. It can happen for sure, but it’s going to take a lot more effort than sabotaging a girls life. And if she’s anything like Regina George, you better watch out!

What are your thoughts on the relationship between real-life dating vs. dating in the movies? Do you have any real life movie experiences with your boo? Let me know in the comments below!

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Kahlan

    This was a fun read! I loved the honesty with all the movie references! 😊 Looking forward to reading more!

  2. Shuchi

    this helped me sooooo much! I love it! Thanks for the advice! Can’t wait to read more of your articles!!!!!

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