You know who gets the down the hardest? The over-achievers! Why? Because once they hit their goal, they don’t know what to do with themselves after, especially if that goal was a labour of love. You know the feeling. When you licked your chops and salivated at the thought of what you were going do once you hit your goal. You day dreamed about it, fantasized about it, sometimes even laughed out loud to yourself at the thought of it.

They say success is a progressive realization towards a worthwhile goal. It feels so good to be working on your passion project. And yes, while you build momentum towards completing it, it is very much a form of success. Once you hit your goal, my goodness, it is reason to celebrate! But once it’s done, now what?

It’s normal to find yourself with a desperate feeling of un-belonging to a worthwhile cause. Some people get down. Some get depressed and don’t know why. But it doesn’t have to be this way. Here are 4 states of the mind you can be in after completing a worthwhile goal:

1) Unhappy with the moment, with no hope for the future. This is the worst way to react that causes the most depression. Be proud of what you achieved and know more success is coming your way.

2) Happy with the moment, with no hope for the future. This is an irresponsible way to react. Because true success is meant to spread over the long term and reoccur over and over again.

3) Unhappy with the moment, with high hope for the future. We all find ourselves here from time to time. It’s nice to have future aspirations however this state builds a lot of anxiety and stress.

4) Happy with the moment, with high hope for the future. This is the best state to be in! This is acknowledging your current achievement while remaining in the zone, thriving at your peak performance, with future focus in mind. This will give you that invincible feeling as you knock off target by target, and sink shot after shot.

Happy with the moment and high hope for the future keeps you inspired, and successful. Because no matter what element of life your goal is in: Spirituality, Health, Knowledge, Character, Wealth or Relationships, there’s more likely still work to be done in any of the other elements.

On a personal note, after just launching a personal and world development book titled: Joy & Love, (truly a labour of love) I’m excited to let you know that I’m working on the Joy & Love Academy with workshops commencing in the new year!

Stay in the zone,


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